Andes Technology and Rambus Collaborate to offer Secure Solution for MCU and IoT Applications

HSINCHU, TAIWAN – February 24, 2021 – Andes Technology Corporation (TWSE: 6533), a leading supplier of high efficiency, low-power 32/64-bit RISC-V processor cores and Founding Premier member of RISC-V International, today announced a collaboration with Rambus Inc. (NASDAQ: RMBS), a provider of industry-leading chips and silicon IP making data faster and safer, to develop a complete low-power, size-optimized secure solution for Microcontrollers (MCUs) and Internet of Thing (IoT) applications.

According to Statista, the total number of connected IoT devices will grow to 21.5B units by 2025. As the IoT market has exploded, consumers and governments alike are demanding that device and data security requirements are a primary design requirement for all IoT devices. Accordingly, IoT device makers are increasingly demanding that MCUs be secure by design, offering “out of the box” security. To address these needs, Andes and Rambus are collaborating to offer a secure solution for MCUs embedded with Andes RISC-V -based CPU and Rambus Security Root of Trust. The Rambus Root of Trust securely boots the MCU, protects the device identity and offers authentication, secure debug, and other cryptographic services to the host system. All AndesCore™ RISC-V processors optimally leverage Rambus Root of Trust to offer these security services and reduce power for compute-intensive cryptographic operations.

“Today, security has been a fundamental and mandatory feature for IoT devices required by markets, consumers, and governments,” said Dr. Charlie Su, Andes Technology CTO and EVP. “To fulfill the requirements of different security levels, we are very pleased to collaborate with Rambus to provide an optimized secure solution for microcontrollers. With the integrated platform and FPGA ready solution of Rambus Root of Trust and Andes RISC-V processor IPs, SoC vendors can focus on their core value, key competitive and unique differentiation. They don’t need to worry about protecting the system against security threats.”

“As the connected device market continues to expand rapidly, the security of valuable assets and services is a primary concern for users and manufacturers alike,” said Gijs Willemse, senior director of product management, Rambus Security. “This collaboration will provide a strong and low-power security foundation for MCUs. It allows manufacturers to assure their customers that devices will function without the worry of security breaches that risk user privacy or interrupt their cloud services.”

AndesCore™ RISC-V processors, based on AndeStar™ V5 RISC-V architecture, consists a series of high efficiency and low power 32-bit/64-bit CPU core families range from the entry-level N22, mid-range 25-series, advanced 27-series to high-performance superscalar 45-series. Andes RISC-V vector processor NX27V is designed for broad market segments of today’s computation-intensive applications. Andes Custom Extension™ framework empowers customers to innovate Domain-Specific Acceleration via creating new instructions. AndesCore RISC-V processors have been used in a wide variety of SoCs ranging from microcontrollers to data center servers, and from edge to cloud applications.

Providing a hardware-based foundation for security, Rambus offers a catalog of robust Root of Trust solutions, ranging from richly featured military-grade co-processors to highly compact state machines. With a breadth of solutions applicable from the data center to Internet of Things (IoT) devices, Rambus has a Root of Trust solution for almost every application.

About Andes Technology

Andes Technology (TWSE: 6533) was established in Hsinchu Science Park in 2005. Sixteen years in business and a founding Premier member of RISC-V International, Andes is a leading supplier of high-performance/low-power 32/64-bit embedded processor IP solutions, and a main force to take RISC-V mainstream. Andes’ fifth-generation AndeStar™ architecture adopted the RISC-V as the base. Its V5 RISC-V CPU families range from tiny 32-bit cores to advanced 64-bit cores with DSP, FPU, Vector, Linux, superscalar and/or multicore capabilities. The annual volume of Andes-Embedded SoCs has exceeded 2 billion since 2020. Up to the end of 2020, the cumulative volume of Andes-Embedded™ SoCs has reached 6 billion.

About RISC-V AndesCore™

Andes Technology’s comprehensive CPU includes entry-level, mid-range, high-end, extensible and security families to address the full range of embedded electronics products, especially for connected, smart and green applications. From 2017, Andes expands its product line to RISC-V processors and provides a total solution in V5 family cores, including N22, N25F/NX25F, D25F, A25/AX25, A25MP/AX25MP, A27/AX27/NX27V, A45/D45/N45 and AX45/DX45/NX45.

For more information about Andes Technology, please visit

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晶心科技宣布AndesCore™ RISC-V处理器核心获EdgeQ采用 为5G开放式无线电存取网络打造整合AI的5G芯片平台 

EdgeQ基于RISC-V推出高度可编程的AI整合5G平台 瞄准数兆美元5G商机

【美国圣荷西】 –2021年2月4日–提供32及64位高效能、低功耗RISC-V处理器核心之全球领导供货商、RISC-V国际协会(RISC-V International)创始首席会员晶心科技(TWSE:6533),今日宣布其AndesCore™ RISC-V处理器获5G 基地台芯片(base-station-on-a-chip)领导厂商EdgeQ采用,打造业界第一个完全开放、可编程并结合AI的5G平台。除此之外,EdgeQ也选用Andes Custom Extension™ (ACE)来设计、扩展和客制化其自有指令集,为无线基础设施提供具创新效能、功能和电力配置的设计。


「我们很荣幸能以RISC-V AndesCore处理器参与 EdgeQ的远大计划,协助他们开发5G和AI芯片平台,」晶心科技总经理林志明表示。「32位A25处理器开发时正值5G和AI等应用的兴起,我们团队已预测到5G和AI的独特运算要求,因而及早规画A25具备DSP/SIMD和浮点扩充指令。晶心所提供的ACE则能满足客制化需求,让EdgeQ团队更容易地扩展RISC-V 指令集架构(ISA),同时保有自由度,能更精确地配置芯片的效能、功耗和面积。」

「EdgeQ创立的愿景是提供可编程5G平台,让企业易于实现创新和差异化。我们从零开始打造的解决方案基于独特的开放RISC-V指令集架构设计,可从一开始便进行部署,让客户透过开源RISC-V工具轻松进行修改,」EdgeQ 芯片工程总监Hariprasad Gangadharan表示。「我们很高兴能与晶心成为技术合作伙伴,经过验证的晶心RISC-V处理器IP不仅协助我们达成产品愿景,更重要的是提供了客制化指令集,帮助像我们这样的革新者实现颠覆式创新。」

EdgeQ是创新5G SoC的领导供货商,总部位于美国加州圣塔克拉拉,并于美国圣地亚哥和印度邦加罗尔设有办公室。EdgeQ打造可完全软件客制和编程的解决方案,为开创连网整合AI的先驱,领导团队来自高通、英特尔和博通,并获得Threshold Partners、Fusion Fund及AME Cloud Venture等投资者的支持。有关EdgeQ的更多信息,请至

晶心科技创立于2005年,为高效能/低功耗的32/64位嵌入式处理器IP解决方案领导供货商。晶心科技是RISC-V国际协会创始首席会员,也是第一家采用RISC-V的主流CPU供货商。晶心科技基于RISC-V的第五代AndeStar™架构V5 CPU系列涵盖入门级/中阶32位及高阶64位核心,包含DSP、FPU、向量、Linux、超纯量和多核心等系列。2020年Andes-Embedded™ SoC的年出货量已突破20亿颗。更多信息请至晶心科技官网

Continue Reading晶心科技宣布AndesCore™ RISC-V处理器核心获EdgeQ采用 为5G开放式无线电存取网络打造整合AI的5G芯片平台 

晶心科技AX25 RISC-V CPU核心获SK Telecom采用

【台湾新竹】 –2021年2月2日–晶心科技宣布其64位AndesCore™ AX25 RISC-V处理器获韩国领导信息通信科技公司SK Telecom(以下简称SKT)采用,将用于开发人工智能产品。晶心科技为RISC-V CPU核心之领导供货商,客户嵌入AndesCore™的SoC芯片累积出货量已超过60亿颗,涵盖各类广泛应用。

「晶心科技的64位AX25 RISC-V处理器具备高效能和丰富配置,是开发高阶控制器的最佳解决方案,非常适合我们高性能AI芯片的多元神经网络应用,」SKT 的AI加速器项目负责人Chung Moo-kyoung表示。「我们将持续利用它来致力于实现先进AI技术和解决方案,以创造新的用户体验。」


例如晶心所提供的向量式中断处理和未对齐(unaligned)地址数据直接存取可实现高效能表现,亦支持V5架构的创新功能,包括可进一步降低功耗的PowerBrake和QuickNap™、提供堆栈上溢/下溢(stack overflow/underflow)保护的StackSafe™以及能在RISC-V的 C扩充指令之外更进一步提高程序代码密度的CoDense™。

AndesCore AX25内建的RISC-V P扩展指令(RVP),能以单一指令集同时处理多笔数据,这对各种AI运算特别有效率。AX25也提供动态分支预测、指令及数据快取及低延迟存取本地内存等功能,相当适合处理沉重的控制相关作业。另外也支持ECC数据纠错保护,与硬件相辅相成的则有功能丰富且易于使用的AndeSight™整合软件开发环境。除此之外,Andes Custom Extension™(ACE)的强大框架支持客制化指令设计,可编程性高,能针对特定领域来进行加速,同时缩短开发时间。

晶心科技创立于2005年,为高效能/低功耗的32/64位嵌入式处理器IP解决方案领导供货商。晶心科技是RISC-V国际协会创始首席会员,也是第一家采用RISC-V作为第五代架构AndeStar™基础的主流CPU供货商。晶心科技的V5 RISC-V CPU系列涵盖入门级/中阶32位及高阶64位核心,包含DSP、FPU、向量、Linux、超纯量和多核心等系列。2020年Andes-Embedded™ SoC的年出货量已突破20亿颗。更多信息请至晶心科技官网

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晶心科技和宏观微电子宣布建立战略合作伙伴关系 提供物联网设备高效能无线IP解决方案

【台湾新竹】—2021年02月01日—32/64位RISC-V CPU解决方案的全球领导者晶心科技(Andes Technology)与无线通信RF IP的领导厂商宏观微电子(Rafael Micro)宣布建立战略合作伙伴关系,并向业界推出基于RISC-V核心的无线IoT连接解决方案。宏观微电子的无线子系统IP是完整的解决方案,可控制IoT连接协议在AndesCore™ N22处理器之运行。宏观微电子亦提供低功耗蓝牙® 5.0/5.1/5.2、Zigbee 3.0 IP和全频段的2.4GHz/Sub-GHz子系统,其RF设计可支持不同的半导体制程。N22是高效能、低功耗的两级流水线RISC-V CPU內核,可与宏观微的无线子系统紧密的结合,进而有效率的控制MAC层、网络层和应用层的功能。可灵活配置的无线子系统IP还为IoT设备提供了大范围的数据链路控制选项。

「我们很高兴能够提供低功耗蓝牙®、ZigBee、Wi-Sun和各种无线通信RF IP给需要嵌入式无线连接解决方案的SoC制造商,」宏观微电子执行长孙德风说。「将宏观微的RF和通信IP的技术与晶心科技的N22 RISC-V处理器內核相结合,我们能为客户的无线SoC产品提供高竞争力的低功耗、具成本效益和高灵敏度的解决方案。」

「嵌入在SoC之无线连接功能及对于功耗和成本敏感(cost sensitive)的应用变得越来越重要,」晶心科技技术长兼执行副总苏泓萌博士说。「我们很高兴将RISC-V处理器內核N22与宏观微电子的无线子系统IP整合在一起,为SoC供货商带来极具竞争力的物联网无线连接解决方案。」


宏观微电子成立于2006年,是一家市场领先的RF IC公司,专注于电视和卫星调谐器产品。凭借在RF技术方面的强大能力,Rafael于2017年启动了IoT市场的RF IP和无线子系统IP业务。宏观微电子的RF IP和无线子系统IP解决方案包括Bluetooth®低功耗、双模Bluetooth®、IEEE 802.15.4无线电、ZigBee、Wi-Sun和自定义RF IP开发。宏观微电子支持相关的通信固件和测试,为减低将RF通信功能集成到SoC的复杂性,宏观微电子将为基于晶心科技内核的无线SoC设计服务提供一站式服务。

宏观微电子是台湾证交所(TWSE: 6568)公开发行公司,总部位于台湾新竹。欲了解更多信息,请参考

晶心科技创立于2005年,为高效能/低功耗的32/64位嵌入式处理器IP解决方案领导供货商。晶心科技是RISC-V国际协会创始首席会员,也是第一家采用RISC-V的主流CPU供货商。晶心科技基于RISC-V的第五代AndeStar™架构V5 CPU系列涵盖入门级/中阶32位及高阶64位內核,包含DSP、FPU、向量、Linux、超纯量和多核等系列。2020年Andes-Embedded™ SoC的年出货量已突破20亿颗。更多信息请至晶心科技官网

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【台湾新竹】—2021年01月27日—RISC-V CPU解决方案领导者晶心科技宣布推出新AndesCore™处理器IP:高效能超纯量多核A45MP和AX45MP处理器,及具备第二级(L2)缓存控制器(cache controller)的A27L2和AX27L2处理器。

AndesCore™ 45系列为顺序(in-order)8级双发射RISC-V处理器,具备DSP(RISC-V P扩展指令),以及单/双精度浮点运算单元以及支持Linux系统应用的内存管理单元(MMU)。其中,高效能单核32位A45/D45/N45和64位AX45/NX45在2020年第三季推出后,已获许多客户采用。最新32位A45MP及64位AX45MP最多支持4核,结合可选用的L2缓存控制器,满足如AR/VR、人工智能/机器学习、5G、车载信息娱乐系统(IVI)、先进驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)、视讯/图像处理、企业级储存装置、连网装置等等高负荷运算需求的应用。

32位A27L2和64位AX27L2为AndesCore™ 27系列最新成员,承袭27系列首先推出的MemBoost功能,以较高的带宽和较低的存取延迟,利用多笔并行的数据存取和I/D预取(prefetch)大幅提升内存子系统效能。为了进一步提升海量存储器应用的效能,A27L2和AX27L2的L2缓存控制器能增加2倍的内存带宽,并降低70%的内存存取延迟。


「多核处理器透过使用多个内核以提升效能,适合高度平行运算的应用,45MP支持最多4个CPU核,搭配Coherence Manager和可选用的L2缓存控制器。Coherence Manager能确保Level 1(L1)缓存、L2缓存和cacheless总线主控器之间的缓存一致性,让共享内存存取可进行高效率传输。」晶心科技技术长暨执行副总经理苏泓萌表示。「相较于单发射的27系列处理器,设计精良的双发射45系列处理器仅需额外的50%面积及动态功耗,便可提升70%的效能。在12纳米制程下,操作频率最高可达2.4 GHz。同样地,具备L2缓存控制器和MemBoost的27L2处理器,相当适合仅需单一内核但仍需海量存储器子系统效能的设计。45系列以及27系列能提供多元的处理器解决方案,满足各种SoC设计需求。」

这些新产品都支持晶心的V5架构,也符合最新RISC-V扩充指令,以及晶心V5创新功能,包括PowerBrake、QuickNap™、可节省功耗的WFI、提供堆栈上溢/下溢(stack overflow/underflow)保护的StackSafe™以及能在RISC-V C扩展指令以外进一步提高程序代码密度的CoDense™。此外,45系列和27系列处理器可利用所有晶心开发工具来协助系统的设计开发,包括AndeSight™ IDE、Andes Custom Extension™框架,并享有RISC-V生态圈的优势,从安全解决方案到系统级功能以及硬件除错/追踪子系统都全面提供支持。

Continue Reading晶心推出最新RISC-V处理器支持多核超纯量的45系列及具备L2快取控制器的27系列

Learn the Latest on RISC-V and Vector Processing at All Six Andes Technology Corporation’s Presentations at the 2020 RISC-V Summit

SAN JOSE, CA – November 05, 2020 – Andes Technology Corporation (TWSE: 6533), a leading supplier of high efficiency, low-power 32/64-bit RISC-V processor cores and founding Premier member of RISC-V International will make six presentations at the virtual RISC-V Summit from December 8 to 10, 2020. 

Andes CTO and Executive VP, Charlie Hong-Men Su, will give an overview and update on “Andes RISC-V Processor IP Solutions.” Andes Senior Director of Architecture Div., Chuan-Hua Chang, will present “AndesClarity: a Performance & Bottleneck Analyzer for RISC-V Vector Processors.” Paul Ku, Deputy Technical Director of Architecture Div., will introduce “Building a Secure Platform with the Enhanced IOPMP.”

The SoC industry has seen fast-growing and diversified demands for a wide range of RISC-V based products: from tiny low-power MCUs for consumer devices, to chips powering enterprise-grade products and datacenter servers; from one power-efficient core to a thousand GHz+ cores working cohesively. Charlie Su will explain the rich portfolio of AndesCore™ RISC-V processor IPs already populating these SoCs: compact single-issue cacheless cores to feature-rich Linux-capable superscalar cores, cache-coherence multicores, and cores capable of processing floating-point and DSP data to those crunching a large volume of vector data. He will also update RISC-V IPs newly added to Andes processor portfolio, the associated software support and their performance data.

Additionally, Deputy Software Manager, Shao-Chung Wang, will present “Extending Multicore Programming Framework for Vector Extension.” Ding-Kai Huang, VLSI Manager, will discuss “Enhancing Verification Coverage for RISC-V Vector Extension Using RISCV-DV,” co-authored with Tao Liu from Google. Andes Principal Architect, Thang Tran, will hold a 3-hour master class entitled “RISC-V Vector Extension Demystified.”

For more information, please visit the RISC-V Summit website.


About Andes Technology Corp.
Andes Technology Corporation is a world class creator of innovative high-performance/low-power 32/64-bit processor cores and associated development environment that serves the rapidly growing global market for embedded system applications. As the founding Premier member of RISC-V International, Andes is the first mainstream CPU vendor that adopted the RISC-V as the base of its fifth-generation architecture, the AndeStar™ V5. To meet the demanding requirements of today’s electronic devices, Andes delivers highly configurable and performance-efficient CPU cores. They come with full-featured integrated development environment and comprehensive software/hardware solutions to help designers innovate their SoCs in a shorter time to market. In 2019, the volume of SoCs Embedded with Andes CPUs surpassed the 1.5-billion mark. Andes Technology’s comprehensive RISC-V CPU families range from the entry-level 32-bit N22, mid-range 32-bit N25F/D25F/A25/A27 and 64-bit NX25F/AX25/AX27, to the high-end multicore A(X)25MP and vector processor NX27V. Coming soon is the superscalar 45 series. For more information, please visit

Continue ReadingLearn the Latest on RISC-V and Vector Processing at All Six Andes Technology Corporation’s Presentations at the 2020 RISC-V Summit

Telink and Andes Announce the TLSR9 SoC with RISC-V Processor

SHANGHAI, CHINA – November 2, 2020 – Telink Semiconductor and Andes Technology are proud to introduce the new connectivity system on a chip (SoC) for Telink’s latest product line, the TLSR9 series. Powered by the Andes RISC-V core D25F, the TLSR9 series is designed for the next generation of hearables, wearables, and other high-performance IoT applications. Thanks to the companies’ partnership with IAR Systems, IoT designers will also have access to the powerful development toolchain IAR Embedded Workbench for flexible product development.

Enabling Innovative New IoT Products

The Telink TLSR9 series is the latest addition to Telink’s line of complete connectivity solutions, and it is designed to maximize device performance and minimize time to market. The TLSR9 series is designed using Andes’ latest AndeStar™ V5 Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), which is compliant to the RISC-V technology. As an open source instruction set architecture (ISA), RISC-V offers developers a great depth of design knowledge and facilitates more innovative and secure processor design.

The TLSR9 SoC features Andes 32-bit RISC-V processor D25F and is the world’s first SoC which adopts RISC-V DSP/SIMD P-extension that is ideal for a variety of mainstream audio, wearables and IoT development needs. The D25F has an efficient 5-stage pipeline and delivers the leading performance of 2.59 DMIPS/MHz and 3.54 CoreMark/MHz at its class. With RISC-V P-extension (RVP), it significantly increases the efficiency for small volume of data computation, and makes the compact AI/ML applications possible on the edge devices. It has been collected that 14.3x speedup of CIFAR-10 AI models, which is a typical image classification technology, and 8.9x speedup of keyword spotting technology, which consumed only dozens of million cycles per inference. Furthermore, the standard JTAG and Andes 2-wire serial debugging port helps to reduce the pin cost.

“We are excited to announce the news,” said Dr. Wenjun Sheng, CEO of Telink Semiconductor.“Telink has always been dedicated to building the future of the Internet of Things and consumer electronics. That means continuously exploring new ways to make chips that are at once more powerful and easier to put into action. By partnering with Andes Technology and IAR Systems to provide a top-notch processor and IDE for our new TLSR9 product line, we are committed to reducing the difficulty of application development and improving efficiency. Telink will continue to provide quick-to-market, performance enhanced, cost efficient solutions to our customers.”

“We believe the RVP is going to open a new era for data computation on MCU.” said Frankwell Lin, President of Andes Technology.“We are gratefully to cooperate with Telink and IAR to build the foundation of the RVP ecosystem for edge AIoT. With Telink TLSR9 and IAR EWRISC-V, developers can easily bring into full play the advantage of RVP. Andes contributed the first version of RVP specification to RISC-V last year, and it is at version 0.8 now. We are looking forward to ratification of RVP standard to enable more and more AIoT market for RISC-V with our partners.”

“We are happy to partner with Andes and Telink to deliver innovative new solutions for IoT developers,” says Kiyofumi Uemura, APAC Director, IAR Systems. “Together we have a lot to offer with regards to performance, and by providing maximized code speed and minimized code size for the TLSR9 series, we will create new possibilities to reduce time to market and ensure high quality applications.”

About Telink Semiconductor
Founded in 2010, Telink Semiconductor is a fabless integrated circuit design company with offices in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Taipei, Santa Clara, and London. Telink is dedicated to the development of highly integrated low-power radio frequency and mixed signal system chips for Internet of Things applications. Telink’s product portfolio is aimed at serving markets ranging from smart lighting to home automation to smart cities and currently includes 2.4GHz RF SoCs for Bluetooth, Zigbee, 6LoWPAN/Thread, and HomeKit. Visit Telink at

About Andes Technology
Fifteen years in business and a founding Premier member of RISC-V International, Andes Technology is a leading supplier of high-performance, low-power 32/64-bit embedded processor IP solutions and a major player in pushing RISC-V into the mainstream. Andes’ fifth-generation AndeStar™ architecture adopted the RISC-V as its base. Its V5 RISC-V CPU families range from tiny 32-bit cores to advanced 64-bit cores with DSP, FPU, Vector, Linux, dual-issue, and/or multi-core capabilities. Visit Andes at

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瑞萨电子采用晶心RISC-V 32位CPU内核开发其首款RISC-V架构ASSP产品

日本东京 – 2020年10月1日 – 全球半导体解决方案供应商瑞萨电子集团(TSE: 6723)今日宣布,与RISC-V架构嵌入式CPU内核及相关SoC开发环境的领先供应商晶心科技启动技术IP合作。瑞萨选择AndesCore™ IP 32位RISC-V CPU内核IP,应用于其全新的专用标准产品中,并将于2021年下半年开始为客户提供样片。

晶心科技总经理林志明表示:「瑞萨作为顶级MCU供应商,已将晶心RISC-V内核设计到其预编程的专用标准产品中,对此我们感到十分荣幸。瑞萨和晶心有着相同的愿景——迎接RISC-V成为片上系统芯片(SoC)主流CPU指令集体系结构(ISA)的时代。双方的合作不仅是晶心的里程碑,更标志着开源RISC-V ISA即将成为主流计算引擎。瑞萨的客户亦将受益于面向21世纪计算需求而构建的现代ISA。」

瑞萨电子执行副总裁、物联网及基础设施事业本部总经理Sailesh Chittipeddi表示:「晶心RISC-V核心IP提供的可扩展性能范围、可选安全功能和定制选项,使瑞萨能够为未来针对特定应用的标准产品提供创新解决方案。帮助为现有或新兴应用寻找经济高效替代途径的客户,从更短的上市时间和更低的开发成本中获益。」


瑞萨电子集团 (TSE: 6723) ,提供专业可信的创新嵌入式设计和完整的半导体解决方案,旨在通过使用其产品的数十亿联网智能设备改善人们的工作和生活方式。作为全球领先的微控制器供应商、模拟功率器件和SoC产品的领导者,瑞萨电子为汽车、工业、家居、基础设施及物联网等各种应用提供综合解决方案,期待与您携手共创无限未来。更多信息,敬请访问。关注瑞萨电子微信公众号领英官方账号,发现更多精彩内容。

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比科奇采用32颗晶心N25F RISC-V处理器核心 打造5G NR小基站基频系统级芯片

【台湾新竹】—20200804比科奇宣布采用晶心科技32位RISC-V处理器核心AndesCore™ N25F,并搭配其AE350周边平台,打造5G小基站分布式单位(Distributed Unit)系统级芯片。比科奇为5G开放式无线存取网络(open RAN)基频半导体公司,拥有丰富小基站应用研发经验。晶心科技則為提供32及64位高效能、低功耗RISC-V处理器核心之全球领导供货商,亦為RISC-V国际协会之创始首席会员。

比科奇看好Open RAN解构式(disaggregation)5G无线存取网络将为供应链带来新契机,让更多新供货商能参与市场竞争。比科奇利用晶心的高效能处理器核心,打造出分布式单元基频卸除(offload)芯片,兼顾高弹性、高效率、高效能,顺利克服5G小基站应用的设计挑战。

「晶心32位RISC-V处理器N25F核心虽小,但功能十分强大。精简的规格让比科奇能以双丛集的形式充分利用搭载的32颗处理器核心,提供高弹性数据吞吐量,以最高达25Gbps的速率进行封包表头数据处理,」比科奇总经理Peter Claydon表示。「我们的工程团队发现与其运用少数几颗大型处理器核心,还不如多颗小型RISC-V处理器核心所组成的丛集来得效率更高。这种RISC-V丛集的方式让我们能保有最大设计弹性,得以因应未来5G NR标准的更新,同时兼顾高效能,满足5G应用的严苛要求。」



比科奇是一家为5G小基站基础设施设计和销售企业提供基带系统级芯片(SoC)和软件产品的半导体公司,公司总部位于中国杭州,并在中国北京和英国Bristol设有研发工程中心。比科奇的核心创业团队曾在全球领先的无线通信技术企业担任重要职务,具有丰富的电信级小基站解决方案开发和推广经验。比科奇是小基站论坛(Small Cell Forum)、O-RAN联盟(O-RAN Alliance)和电信基础设备项目(Telecom Infra Project)等全球性无线通信行业组织的会员。欲了解更多信息,请至


因应快速发展的全球嵌入式系统应用,晶心科技致力成为创新高效能、低功耗32及64位处理器核心和相关开发环境的世界级创建者。晶心提供效能优异的低功耗CPU处理器核心,包括RISC-V V5系列处理器IP,以及整合开发环境和全面的软/硬件解决方案,帮助客户在短时间内创新其SoC设计。晶心全面的CPU系列涵盖了入门级、中阶和高阶CPU核心。截至2019年,Andes-Embedded™ SoC的年出货量已突破50亿颗。欲了解更多信息,请至

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Andes Technology Steps Up to Premier Membership in RISC-V International; Greatly Expanding its U.S. R&D and Field Application Engineering Staffing

SAN JOSE CA – June 8, 2020 – Andes Technology Corporation (TWSE: 6533), a leading supplier of high efficiency, low-power 32/64-bit RISC-V processor cores and founding member of RISC-V International, announces its Premier membership in the organization. Andes President Frankwell Lin takes his seat on the RISC-V International Board. Andes CTO and Executive VP Charlie Su becomes Vice Chair of the RISC-V International Technical Steering Committee. The company will take an active role in the upcoming 2020 RISC-V Summit. Andes’ increased participation in RISC-V International reflects the growing demand for its broad family of RISC-V cores including its highly demanded RISC-V cores with DSP or vector extensions. As a result, Andes Technology is growing its U.S. footprint by expanding its R&D and applications engineering staffing several fold.

“We’ re seeing a rapid expansion in our RISC-V business thanks to system-on-chip designers’ eager adoption of the open source RISC-V CPU instruction set architecture,” said Andes President Frankwell Lin.  “Our RISC-V CPU IPs offerings in 2018 have grown three-fold to cover a wide spectrum of applications from IoT devices at the edge to compute intensive servers in the cloud. Last year, our RISC-V solutions have already represented the major share of Andes’ business.”

“The Andes growing R&D team worldwide has demonstrated its engineering ingenuity in our expanding RISC-V offerings,” said Andes Technology CTO and Executive VP Charlie Su. “We developed powerful internal design tools to quickly architect, design, and verify a new processor core. This design flow allows us to rapidly launch a new product to meet rapidly evolving market demand. The development of Andes NX27V RISC-V core with vector extension is a prime example. NX27V is the world first commercial RISC-V vector processor. Andes engineering team had launched and integrated it into customer’s SoC design in a short time. Andes had productized this CPU design automation expertise in the form of our Andes Custom Extension™ (ACE) and COPILOT tool that allows SoC designers to add custom instructions to our RISC-V CPU to make it unique to their solution.”

“Andes USA’s growing footprint has included expanding R&D staffing as well as sales and field application engineering,” said Emerson Hsiao, Andes Technology USA Corp. Senior VP. “In spite of the current constrained business atmosphere, Andes USA continues to experience strong demand for our RISC-V IP solutions. This is in no small part due to Andes’ powerful design automation tools Andes Custom Extension™ and COPILOT. They allow designers to create custom instructions to greatly accelerate performance while drastically reducing power consumption. This capability contributed significantly to the business growth for Andes USA. We continue to look for talented individuals to help us with our growth.”

About Andes Technology Corp.
Andes Technology Corporation is a world class creator of innovative high-performance/low-power 32/64-bit processor cores and associated development environment that serves the rapidly growing global market for embedded system applications. As the founding Premier member of RISC-V International, Andes is the first mainstream CPU vendor that adopted the RISC-V as the base of its fifth-generation architecture, the AndeStar™ V5. To meet the demanding requirements of today’s electronic devices, Andes delivers highly configurable and performance-efficient CPU cores. They come with full-featured integrated development environment and comprehensive software/hardware solutions to help designers innovate their SoCs in a shorter time to market. In 2019, the volume of SoCs Embedded with Andes CPUs surpassed the 1.5-billion mark. Andes Technology’s comprehensive RISC-V CPU families range from the entry-level 32-bit N22, mid-range 32-bit N25F/D25F/A25/A27 and 64-bit NX25F/AX25/AX27, to the high-end multicore A(X)25MP and vector processor NX27V. Coming soon is the superscalar 45 series.

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