A Comprehensive Set of Software Tools and Runtimes for End-To-End Development and Deployment

AndesAIRE™ NN SDK Overview

AndesAIRE™ (Andes AI Runs Everywhere) NN SDK is a collection of software tools, libraries, runtimes, and sample programs for end-to-end development and deployment of AndesAIRE™ AnDLA™ (Andes Deep Learning Accelerator) and AndesCore™ RISC-V CPU platforms. It includes the following components:

  • AndesAIRE™ NNPilot™: a neural network optimization tool suite
  • AndesAIRE™ TFLM (TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers): an optimized inference framework running on a host
  • AnDLA™ driver and runtime

The NNPilot™ can automatically analyze input NN models, apply model pruning and quantization, and generate AnDLA™ executable based on its configuration to perform inference together with the TFLM framework. The NNPilot™ also generates sample host C code to invoke the AnDLA™ driver and AndesAIRE™ NN Library APIs in the bare metal environment.

The product is available in an early-adopter program now.  


  • Input NN model formats: PyTorch, ONNX, TensorFlow Lite
  • Network optimizer: NN model pruning with parameters such as
    • Pruning ratio by model/layer
    • Automatic, manual, or uniform
    • HW-awareness: number of MACs, SRAM size
    • Structured pruning
  • Deployment optimizer:
    • Quantization (INT8): per-layer shift-based, per-layer symmetric, per-channel asymmetric
    • Numerical compensation
    • Batch normalization fusion
  • Backend optimizer:
    • Memory footprint optimization, scheduler, OPs fusion, redundant OPs remover
    • Performance estimation
  • Generated C code template to invoke AnDLA™ driver and NN library APIs

Block Diagram

Related Tools

  • AndeSight™ IDE
  • AndesAIRE™ NN Library

Product Package

  • AndesAIRE™ NN SDK