Upgrade to Solid Sands’ Latest SuperTest Version Supports Andes to Its Ambitions for Further Growth in the Automotive Sector

Amsterdam and Hsinchu – May 11, 2023 – Andes Technology Corporation, a leading supplier of high-performance/low-power 32/64-bit embedded processor IP solutions, has upgraded its version of the SuperTest Compiler Test and Validation Suite developed and supplied by Solid Sands.

Andes is a founding premier member of RISC-V International and the driving force in taking RISC-V mainstream. Solid Sands, the world-leading provider of testing and qualification technology for compilers and libraries, joined the RISC-V community as a Strategic Member at the end of 2022 and provided Andes with SuperTest Vermeer Update #3 to enable the company to realise its ambitious growth plans in the automotive industry.

Because C++ is capable of satisfying the security, functional safety and behavioural requirements of ISO 26262, it is increasingly used in the automotive sector. A substantial number of image processing, signal processing, and machine learning algorithms used in a vehicle’s advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) are now written in C++. Underlining the strong commitment by Andes to RISC-V technology, the latest SuperTest Vermeer version was considered to be a perfect fit when operating in such a safety-critical industry.

Andes is dedicated to delivering top-notch solutions in both AndesCore™ RISC-V IPs and software development tools. In 2022, Andes made a ground-breaking announcement by unveiling the industry’s first fully compliant with ISO 26262 functional safety standards RISC-V CPU IP, AndesCore™ N25F-SE. In the second half of 2023, Andes plans to introduce its highly anticipated AndesCore™ D25F-SE with DSP extension support. Furthermore, Andes continues to optimize compilers, toolchains, and libraries, while expanding its support for DSP/Vector and NN libraries to ensure exceptional performance right out of the box with Andes RISC-V processors. Andes provides sturdy and superior compilers and toolchains by utilizing several open-source and commercial test suites like the SuperTest.

Marcel Beemster, CTO at Solid Sands, says: “Andes has a very strong foothold in the RISC-V environment and is a forerunner in the widespread use of the technology. The company’s commitment to safety-critical development per se and its ambitions in the automotive sector in particular mean that refreshing with the latest SuperTest Vermeer version is the obvious choice.”

“Andes’ cutting-edge software development tools, like AndeSight IDE, optimizing compilers and compute libraries, help accelerate the completion of highly competitive products,” said Warren Chen, Andes Senior Manager of Technical Marketing. “We appreciate the many essential benefits that SuperTest offers and it made perfect sense for us – as we power forward in the highly demanding and exacting automotive sector – to refresh our SuperTest with the latest Vermeer version.”

About Andes Technology
Eighteen years in business and a Founding Premier member of RISC-V International, Andes is a publicly listed company (TWSE: 6533; SIN: US03420C2089; ISIN: US03420C1099) and a leading supplier of high-performance/low-power 32/64-bit embedded processor IP solutions, and the driving force in taking RISC-V mainstream. Andes’ fifth-generation AndeStar™ architecture adopted the RISC-V as the base. Its V5 RISC-V CPU families range from tiny 32-bit cores to advanced 64-bit cores Out of Order multi-cores with DSP, FPU, Vector, Linux, superscalar, and/or multicore capabilities. By the end of 2022, the cumulative volume of Andes-Embedded™ SoCs has surpassed 12 billion. For more information, please visit https://www.andestech.com. Follow Andes
LinkedInFacebook and YouTube

Andes Technology Corporation

About Solid Sands
Founded in 2014, Solid Sands is the one-stop shop for C and C++ compiler and library testing, validation and safety services. Solid Sands offers extensive test and validation suites with a unique level of compiler and library test coverage, enabling customers to achieve the software tool quality level demanded by ISO standards. The company’s name combines sand – the world’s most abundant source of silicon – with the solidity and security expected of sector-leading testing and validation technologies. More information on the company’s products and services is available at www.solidsands.nl. You can follow Solid Sands on LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.

Media Contact:
Solid Sands B.V.
Marianne Damstra

Continue ReadingUpgrade to Solid Sands’ Latest SuperTest Version Supports Andes to Its Ambitions for Further Growth in the Automotive Sector

Andes Custom Extension™ (ACE) Supports AndesCore™ 45-Series Processors to Provide Flexible Acceleration

HSINCHU, TAIWAN – March 23, 2023 – Andes Technology, a leading supplier of high-performance, low-power, and extensible 32/64-bit RISC-V processor cores and Founding Premier member of RISC-V International, announces that an updated version of the powerful Andes Custom Extension™ (ACE) technology now supports the AndesCore™ 45-series processors – the single-core N45/D45/NX45/A45/AX45 and the multi-core A45MP/AX45MP. In addition, the advanced ACE features ACE-RVV and Andes Streaming Port will work with the AndesCore™ AX45MPV, which is the latest member of the 45-series processors with up to 1024-bit Vector Processing Unit (VPU).

With an in-order, 8-stage, dual-issue superscalar pipeline, the AndesCore™ 45-series processors offer strong processing performance for companies to develop high-performance solutions for a wide range of applications in 5G, automotive, AIoT etc. Similar to the AndesCore™ 25 and 27-series processors, the 45-series processors now work with the Andes Custom Extension™ (ACE) to realize domain-specific architecture designs with custom instructions support.

Through the ACE framework, SoC designers are able to design custom instructions and the corresponding custom logic to extend the AndesCore™ processors. The Andes COPILOT is a set of powerful tools to generate all the necessary components including intrinsic functions, processor RTL module and support for simulator, debugger, and compilation tools to support the custom instructions. The designers write an ACE script to describe the instruction semantics and concise Verilog RTL code to describe the custom logic. These are then fed into the COPILOT to generate all the outputs. 

The new version COPILOT v6 provides designers access to enhanced features of ACE such as ACE pipelining, background processing, and grouping functions. In the pipelined ACE engine, many ACE instructions are processed in different stages simultaneously. One instruction can complete every cycle when there is no dependence on resources and data. In this way, ACE pipelining offers a significant performance increase. Running ACE instructions in the background decouples their execution from the processor pipeline. This permits the processor pipeline to continue to execute younger instructions, including ACE instructions, without waiting for the completion of older ACE instructions. As a result, overall performance is improved, especially when there are long-latency ACE instructions. Grouping functions allows specifying one or multiple instructions as an instruction group, synchronization group, or a status group. ACE instructions in different instruction groups can be executed simultaneously to improve the overall ACE execution performance.

To further enhance the custom instructions design flexibility, the latest COPILOT has special support for SoC with embedded FPGA, where one or more 45-Series cores are hardened to connect via ACE interfaces to the embedded FPGA, which is ready for post-silicon custom extensions. COPILOT can generate clock domain crossing logic for the hardened part of the chip. The embedded FPGA architecture enables the capability of changing custom instructions for any purpose, such as fixing design issues or adding more innovative instructions.

“Introduction of AndesCore 45-series processors is a major milestone of Andes RISC-V processor development. This class of CPU brings best performance, power efficiency and rich features that our users will value,” said Dr. Charlie Su, President and CTO of Andes Technology. “The 45-series processors are great products in their own right and users can now use the latest ACE to bring a higher degree of customization in their designs.”

The new generation of Andes Custom Extension™ for AndesCore™ 45-series single-core N45/D45/NX45/A45/AX45 and multi-core A45MP/AX45MP is available now. To learn more about ACE’s powerful capabilities, please contact Andes Technology for more information.

About Andes Technology
Eighteen years in business and a Founding Premier member of RISC-V International, Andes is a publicly listed company (TWSE: 6533SIN: US03420C2089ISIN: US03420C1099) and a leading supplier of high-performance/low-power 32/64-bit embedded processor IP solutions, and the driving force in taking RISC-V mainstream. Andes’ fifth-generation AndeStar™ architecture adopted the RISC-V as the base. Its V5 RISC-V CPU families range from tiny 32-bit cores to advanced 64-bit cores Out of Order multi-cores with DSP, FPU, Vector, Linux, superscalar, and/or multicore capabilities. By the end of 2022, the cumulative volume of Andes-Embedded™ SoCs has surpassed 12 billion.

For more information, please visit https://www.andestech.com. Follow Andes on LinkedInFacebook and YouTube

Contact us
Andes Technology Corporation
sales@andestech.com | +886 3 572 6533

Continue ReadingAndes Custom Extension™ (ACE) Supports AndesCore™ 45-Series Processors to Provide Flexible Acceleration

以堅韌不拔的精神 超群奪目的成績 晶心科技穩步邁向第十八個年頭

【台灣新竹】— 2023222日— 晶心科技自2017年上市以來,在CPU 智財(IP)授權領域獲得市場肯定,連續營收六年屢創新高。儘管面臨IP行業和世界經濟的快速和動盪變化,2022年晶心仍取得13%的成長,持續在營收上締創佳績。這歸功於晶心科技為客戶提供之卓越解決方案以及持續耕耘不斷擴大的 RISC-V 生態系,讓晶心的解決方案可以更簡單、更快速的實現。


晶心科技的RISC-V產品線在2022年持續擴增,推出許多令人興奮的產品,例如全球第一個全面符合ISO 26262標準的RISC-V核心——N25F-SE,以及市場上最強大的RISC-V多核向量處理器——AX45MPV,可支援 1024 位元向量運算。晶心科技還推出D23,這是一款入門級的處理器IP,具有低功耗和先進安全的功能,以及 AX60 系列,是一個亂序處理 (out-of-order)超純量多核心處理器家族,其第一個成員是 AX65。而在軟體方面,晶心科技發布AndeSight™ IDE V5.1軟體整合開發環境,具有可簡化 RISC-V 與異構系統、多核處理器及 AI 系統開發的新功能。


晶心科技憑藉其商業上的成功,以及其獨特的技術和對行業的貢獻,贏得數個重要的獎項。其中包括由 ASPENCORE 媒體集團主辦的 2022 WEAA (全球電子成就獎)和 EE Awards Asia (亞洲金選獎),以及因為向全球客戶推廣RISC-V有所貢獻,而獲頒由RISC-V國際協會贈予的RISC-V日本2022產品獎。

即使在全球疫情的挑戰下,晶心科技仍然在世界各地參加超過五十場以上的重要的展會以及發表演說。參與的展覽包括AI Hardware Summit, Embedded World, Linley Processor Conference, RISC-V Summit以及TSMC Technology Symposiums等。此外,晶心科技透過廣受好評的演講、線上研討會和活動,深入探討各方面的RISC-V開發項目和主流應用趨勢,包括AndesCore™ 處理器 IP 的架構及其優勢、RISC-V在資料中心加速器和車用認證方面的最新進展等。從RISC-V初學者、愛好者到專家等與會者們,都透過這些演講解最新行業的發展。

「晶心科技在產品設計和協助客戶研發的豐富經驗能快速提升SoC設計團隊將產品推向市場的速度。」晶心科技董事長暨RISC-V國際協會董事林志明表示,「我們持續致力於開創計算機產業。基於 2022 年的成功,我們期待在2023年為市場帶來更令人興奮的創新解決方案。」

關於晶心 (About Andes Technology)

晶心科技股份有限公司於2005年成立於新竹科學園區,2017年於台灣證交所上市(TWSE: 6533SIN: US03420C2089ISIN: US03420C1099)。晶心是RISC-V國際協會的創始首席會員,也是第一家採用RISC-V作為其第五代架構AndeStar™基礎的主流CPU供應商。為滿足當今電子設備的嚴格要求,晶心提供可配置性高的32/64位高效CPU核心,包含DSP、FPU、Vector、超純量(Superscalar)及多核心系列,可應用於各式SoC與應用場景。晶心並提供功能齊全的整合開發環境和全面的軟/硬體解決方案,可幫助客戶在短時間內創新其SoC設計。在2021年,Andes-Embedded™ SoC的年出貨量突破30億顆;而截至2021年底,嵌入AndesCore™ 的SoC累積總出貨量已超越100億顆。



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晶心科技推出功能豐富、低功耗且高度安全的入門級 RISC-V 處理器 AndesCore™ D23

D23 透過最新的RISC-V指令集架構提供領先業界的效能 4.13 Coremark/MHz

【台灣新竹】— 202327日—32/64位元、高效能低功耗的RISC-V處理器核心領導供應商暨RISC-V國際協會創始首席會員晶心科技 (TWSE: 6533),今日公布了新產品AndesCore™ D23。這是一個三級流水線的 32 位元 RISC-V CPU核心,適合低功耗和高效率的嵌入式處理以及物聯網應用。D23以4.13 Coremark/MHz的效能,成為相同等級CPU核心中的領導者;在28奈米的製程下,D23工作頻率仍可高達800MHz (worst-case),最小可用配置為26K 邏輯閘數。

「D23是AndesCore™入門級系列的新成員,具有少的邏輯閘數 (同時也提供較小的晶片面積)以及非常優異的效能。D23包括單/雙精度浮點運算單元 FPU,除了支援RISC-V RV32GC擴展指令集之外,它還支援最近新通過的擴展指令集,例如:位元操作 (B)擴展指令集、純量加密 (K)擴展指令集、快取管理操作 (CMO) 擴展指令集、程式代碼縮減擴展指令集和RISC-V DSP/SIMD (P)擴展指令集 (草案版本)。搭配使用RISC-V DSP/SIMD (P)擴充指令集 (草案版本)與效能高度優化的AndeSoft™ NN Library可以幫助客戶很有效率的加速AI應用計算。它還配置了核心中斷控制器 (CLIC),可以提供超過 1000個中斷服務,以實現快速中斷響應、優先級排序和搶占。D23也配置了 Andes 第五代擴展指令集,包括用於硬體堆棧保護的 StackSafe™以及在C擴展指令集之上,用於程式代碼壓縮的 CoDense™ ,和用於電源管理的 PowerBrake。」晶心科技總經理暨技術長蘇泓萌博士提到。「D23也會提供其他進階功能,包括指令和資料快取、防止記憶體軟性錯誤 (soft error)保護以及Andes Custom Extension™ (晶心客制化擴展指令集)。」

此外,D23 包含許多安全功能,例如增強型和管理模式實體記憶體保護 (Physical Memory Protection) (ePMP/sPMP),以加強CPU核心的安全級別。新的純量加密 (K)擴展指令集可提供在加速網絡和數據加密的 AES 加密/解密的指令以及用於數位簽名和證書的 SHA256/512 指令。D23 也支援 AndeSentry™ 的安全框架,可以與晶心科技的安全合作夥伴進行開放式協作,並提供安全啟動/除錯以及可信任執行環境 (TEE)等安全解決方案。D23具有強大的安全功能,非常適合Matter (新的物聯網標準)。D23設計與其彈性滿足了設計人員對於數位訊號處理、安全性、晶片功率、面積和性能這些項目的需求。因此,D23適用於智慧家電、可穿戴裝備、AIoT設備和專用型MCU等多種應用。

AndesCore™ D23 將於 2023 年的第一季提供主要功能給早鳥客戶,並於第三季提供完整之功能給客戶進行評估。關於D23處理器的更多細節,請聯繫晶心科技業務部門sales@andestech.com


關於晶心 (About Andes Technology)

晶心科技股份有限公司於2005年成立於新竹科學園區,2017年於台灣證交所上市(TWSE: 6533SIN: US03420C2089ISIN: US03420C1099)。晶心是RISC-V國際協會的創始首席會員,也是第一家採用RISC-V作為其第五代架構AndeStar™基礎的主流CPU供應商。為滿足當今電子設備的嚴格要求,晶心提供可配置性高的32/64位高效CPU核心,包含DSP、FPU、Vector、超純量(Superscalar)及多核心系列,可應用於各式SoC與應用場景。晶心並提供功能齊全的整合開發環境和全面的軟/硬體解決方案,可幫助客戶在短時間內創新其SoC設計。在2021年,Andes-Embedded™ SoC的年出貨量突破30億顆;而截至2021年底,嵌入AndesCore™ 的SoC累積總出貨量已超越100億顆。





電話:+886-3-6687253 ext.644


Continue Reading晶心科技推出功能豐富、低功耗且高度安全的入門級 RISC-V 處理器 AndesCore™ D23

晶心科技推出RISC-V超純量亂序執行多核心處理器AndesCore™ AX60系列


【加州聖塔芭芭拉】— 2023131日— 32/64位元、高效能低功耗的RISC-V處理器核心領導供應商暨RISC-V國際協會創始首席會員晶心科技 (TWSE:6533),在2022 年 Linley 秋季處理器大會上,展示了其最新的頂級AndesCore™ AX60 系列,該系列是一個功率和面積效率方面都有極佳表現的亂序執行64位元處理器架構。主要是針對需要極高計算量要求的作業系統和應用程式的需求而設計,例如高級駕駛輔助系統 (ADAS)、人工智慧 (AI)、增強/虛擬現實 (AR/VR)、數據中心加速器、5G基礎設施、高速網路和企業級儲存系統等。

AX60 系列的第一個成員– AX65支援RISC-V最新的指令集擴展,例如純量加密 (scalar cryptography)擴展指令集和位元操作 (bit manipulation)擴展指令集。 AX65核心是一個具有13級管線,4路 (4-way)超純量,亂序 (Out-of-Order )執行的處理器。在TAGE (TAgged GEometric history length)高準確率迴圈動態分支預測器的協助下,每個時脈可有效率地攫取4至8條指令。然後它將多至4條指令同時進行解碼、重新命名和發送到8個執行單元,這包括4個整數單元、2個完整的讀取/儲存單元以及2個浮點運算單元。除了讀取/儲存單元外,AX65的記憶體管理單元還包括分別的2級轉譯後備緩衝區(Translation Lookaside Buffer),具有同時進行多個分頁鏈結表更新查詢 (table walkers)和最多可達 64 條執行中的讀取/儲存指令。

AX65支援多核心叢集,其具有快取記憶體資料一致性管理 (cache coherence)以擴展其效能。每一個核心都有 64KB 的專用指令和資料快取。該叢集最多可擴充至8個核心,並含有一個叢集內一致性管理器 (in-cluster coherence manager)和一個可達 8MB 的共享快取。其IO一致性介面 (IO coherence interface)可讓所有 AX65的快取與外部 IO 周邊維持一致性,並易於SoC之整合。一致性管理器和共享快取可以與核心非同步運行來達到SoC整體性能的最佳化。此外,AX65支援RISC-V標準的外部除錯 (external debug)和指令記錄 (instruction trace)介面,方便快速的系統開發、分析和除錯。

「經過數百家客戶的商業授權以及上百億顆嵌入AndesCore™的晶片,晶心科技已被證明是值得信賴的處理器IP供應商。我們的使命是持續提供全面而廣泛的處理器IP產品線,以支援從小型MCU到大型數據中心加速器等一連串的廣泛應用,同時提供高效的控制處理功能和強大的計算加速能力,包括運行在裸機、RTOS和Linux等環境。我們很高興地宣布推出我們的頂級處理器AX60 系列,以進一步擴大我們的產品組合。」晶心科技總經理暨技術長蘇泓萌博士指出。「AX65 在大型基準測試中,在相同的頻率下比前一代高端核心AX45提供了高出2倍的性能。此外,它能夠在7奈米製程下以 2.5GHz 的頻率運行,比AX45高出 25%。憑藉性能的大幅躍升,AX65 處理器可滿足當前高性能SoC中各種新興應用對提高控制處理器性能的需求。」

AndesCore™ AX65 將於 2023 年的年中透過優先體驗計劃提供給特定客戶,並於2023年底上市開放對所有客戶授權。關於AX65和AX60系列處理器的更多資訊,請聯繫晶心科技。


晶心科技股份有限公司於2005年成立於新竹科學園區,2017年於台灣證交所上市 (TWSE: 6533SIN: US03420C2089ISIN: US03420C1099)。晶心是RISC-V國際協會的創始首席會員,也是第一家採用RISC-V作為其第五代架構AndeStar™基礎的主流CPU供應商。為滿足當今電子設備的嚴格要求,晶心提供可配置性高的32/64位高效CPU核心,包含DSP、FPU、Vector、超純量(Superscalar)及多核心系列,可應用於各式SoC與應用場景。晶心並提供功能齊全的整合開發環境和全面的軟/硬體解決方案,可幫助客戶在短時間內創新其SoC設計。在2021年,Andes-Embedded™ SoC的年出貨量突破30億顆;而截至2021年底,嵌入AndesCore™ 的SoC累積總出貨量已超越100億顆。 更多關於晶心的資訊,請參閱晶心官網https://www.andestech.com。追蹤晶心最新消息:LinkedInFacebookWeiboTwitterBilibili以及YouTube



電話:+886-3-6687253 ext.644


Continue Reading晶心科技推出RISC-V超純量亂序執行多核心處理器AndesCore™ AX60系列

Andes Technology Collaborates with LDRA to Deliver Integrated Tool Suite for Safety-Critical Software on Andes RISC-V CPU Solutions

The integration helps developers to develop and manage applications in increasingly complex and safety-critical industries such as aerospace, automotive, railway, industrial, and medical on Andes RISC-V CPU solutions.

BANGALORE – January 19, 2023—Andes Technology (TWSE: 6533; SIN: US03420C2089ISIN: US03420C1099), a leading supplier of high efficiency, low-power 32/64-bit RISC-V processor cores and founding premier member of RISC-V International, today announced the integration of AndeSight™ IDE with LDRA tool suite. The integration with LDRA’s comprehensive set of software standards compliance, testing, and verification tools helps developers to develop and manage applications in increasingly complex and safety-critical industries such as aerospace, automotive, railway, industrial, and medical on Andes RISC-V CPU solutions. This compliance results in safer, more secure, more efficient, and more capable software.

As part of the integration, the LDRA tool suite, along with the eclipse plugin, hooks into the AndeSight™ integrated development environment (IDE) to allow compilation, linking, programming, and execution in the AndeSight™ environments. The LDRA tool suite offers the built-in import capability to reduce the static analysis efforts of AndeSight™ project files via included paths, macros, and other settings. In addition, the LDRA tool suite performs dynamic analysis on simulator targets within the AndeSight™ IDE or on the AndeShape™ evaluation boards. This allows users to perform system and unit tests using the already available Andes infrastructure to provide a head start to developers.

The integration with the LDRA tool suite provides the following additional features to the AndeSight™ IDE:

  • Source code static analysis
  • Software dynamic analysis, including modified condition/decision coverage (MC/DC) on the host and target
  • Software unit/integration testing on the host and target
  • Improved code quality, safety, and security
  • Reduced testing time and cost

LDRA Tool Suite Meets TÜV Certification

Functional safety standards consider the increasing use of tools for software application development and explicitly require such tools to be qualified. TÜV SÜD examined the quality and compliance of the software development processes and functional safety management of the LDRA tools to the given standards. TÜV assessed the suitability of the LDRA tools and associated user documentation as capable of supporting developers in safety-critical industries to achieve certification.

AndesCore™ N25F-SE Processor, the World First RISC-V CPU IP with ISO 26262 Full Compliance

The AndesCore™ N25F-SE is a safety-enhanced 32-bit RISC-V CPU core and is certified to be fully compliant with ISO 26262 ASIL B (Automotive Safety Integrity Level B) functional safety standards, including Parts 2, 4, 5, 8, and 9, for the development of automotive applications. The N25F-SE inherits the compact and performant design of the popular N25F. It supports standard IMACFD extensions including efficient integer and floating-point instructions and incorporates the Andes V5 extension instructions to further boost performance and reduce code size. To fully utilize the capabilities of the AndesCore™, the AndeSight™ IDE provides a comprehensive software solution that helps optimize code speed and code size and simplifies the development process by providing application development, debugging, analysis, compute libraries, OS awareness, and multicore development to developers.

“AndesCore™ N25F-SE ASIL B certified processor brings unique and competitive value to our RISC-V customers,” said Warren Chen, Senior Technical Marketing Manager, Andes Technology.  “The exciting partnership with LDRA enables us to bring versatile solutions to the developers for safety-critical applications. We welcome the benefits the LDRA tool suite brings to the RISC-V community in accelerating the functional safety applications development.”

“Designers are currently moving toward real implementations of their RISC-V-based designs within multiple safety-critical industries,” said Ian Hennell, Operations Director, LDRA. “As the focus shifts to a software-driven architecture supported by top-notch analysis tools, the RISC-V software efforts require more than just enabling the existing architecture. With our integration with Andes Technology, developers can meet these requirements while making sure their software is safe and security-driven.”

About LDRA

For more than 45 years, LDRA has developed and driven the market for software that automates code analysis and software testing for safety-, mission-, security-, and business-critical markets. Working with clients to achieve early error identification and elimination, and full compliance with industry standards, LDRA traces requirements through static and dynamic analysis to unit testing and verification for a wide variety of hardware and software platforms. Boasting a worldwide presence, LDRA has headquarters in the United Kingdom, United States, Germany, and India coupled with an extensive distributor network. For more information on the LDRA tool suite, please visit www.ldra.com

About Andes Technology

Eighteen years in business and a Founding Premier member of RISC-V International, Andes is publicly-listed company (TWSE: 6533SIN: US03420C2089ISIN: US03420C1099) and a leading supplier of high-performance/low-power 32/64-bit embedded processor IP solutions, and the driving force in taking RISC-V mainstream. Andes’ fifth-generation AndeStar™ architecture adopted the RISC-V as the base. Its V5 RISC-V CPU families range from tiny 32-bit cores to advanced 64-bit Out-of-Order processors with DSP, FPU, Vector, Linux, superscalar, and/or multi/many-core capabilities. The annual volume of Andes-Embedded SoCs has exceeded 3 billion in 2021 and continues to rise. By the end of 2022, the cumulative volume of Andes-Embedded™ SoCs has surpassed 12 billion. For more information, please visit https://www.andestech.com. Follow Andes on LinkedInFacebookWeiboTwitterBilibili  and YouTube

Media contacts:

Andes Technology

Jonah McLeod

Tel: +1 (510) 449-8634 Email: Jonahm@andestech.com

Hsiaoling Lin

Tel: +886-3-5726533 ext.644 Email: hllin@andestech.com



Mark James

Tel: +44 (0) 151 649 9300, Email: mark.james@ldra.com  


HCI Marketing and Communications, Inc.

Kelly Wanlass

Tel: +1 (801) 602-4723, Email: kelly@hci-marketing.com

Continue ReadingAndes Technology Collaborates with LDRA to Deliver Integrated Tool Suite for Safety-Critical Software on Andes RISC-V CPU Solutions

晶心科技和 Parasoft 合力為汽車功能安全應用提供無縫的軟體測試工具

【美國加州聖荷西】— 2023011732/64位元、高效能低功耗的RISC-V處理器核心領導供應商暨RISC-V國際協會創始首席會員晶心科技 (TWSE: 6533; SIN: US03420C2089ISIN: US03420C1099),今日宣佈與全球領先的自動軟體測試公司Parasoft建立全球夥伴關係,基於嚴謹的ISO 26262認證流程為晶心科技RISC-V車用平台提供堅實的軟體測試解決方案。

Parasoft C/C++test無縫銜接AndeSight™ IDE整合開發環境,透過結合這些工具,軟體開發人員可以配置快速且可擴展的CI/CD(持續整合/持續交付)流程鏈,並自動化測試流程。Parasoft為車用安全生命週期提供一套完整的測試解決方案,能縮短嚴謹的車用產品認證流程,並加速客戶的上市時間。

功能安全強化的AndesCore™ N25F-SE 是業界第一個完全符合ISO 26262 功能安全標準ASIL-B認證(包含第 2、4、5、8 和 9 部之標準),適用於車規應用開發的RISC-V CPU IP。N25F-SE是一個32位元RISC-V CPU核心,支持標準的IMACFD擴展指令集,包括高效整數指令集和單/雙精度浮點運算指令集。它結合了晶心科技第五代AndeStar™ V5擴展指令集,以進一步提高性能並顯著降低程式碼的大小。 N25F-SE 的高效能五級管線在高工作頻率和精簡設計間達到良好的平衡。N25F-SE與備受歡迎的同系列產品 N25F 一樣,具有豐富的可配置選項,並且所有選項均通過ISO 26262認證,因此 SoC 設計團隊在提供車用解決方案時,不會受限於某一種特定的CPU配置。

此次合作透過AndeSight™ IDE 整合開發環境與 Parasoft C/C++test的容器化部屬能確保遵循 ISO 26262 標準,並有助於提升開發人員的靈活性和生產力。此外,在進行靜態程序分析和單元測試時利用這些預先建立的容器,能夠達到很好的效果。


Parasoft透過其經過市場驗證的整合自動化軟體測試工具,幫助企業持續提供高質量的軟體。Parasoft的技術支持嵌入式、企業和物聯網市場,將靜態代碼分析和單元測試、Web UI測試和API測試等所有內容整合到管線中,再加上服務虛擬化和完整的代碼覆蓋,減少了提供安全、可靠和相容軟體的時間、精力和成本。Parasoft屢獲殊榮的報告分析儀表板將這些整合在一起,使客戶能夠滿懷信心地在安全性、安全關鍵性、敏捷、開發運維以及持續測試等生態系和開發計劃中獲得成功。


關於晶心 (About Andes Technology)

晶心科技股份有限公司於2005年成立於新竹科學園區,2017年於台灣證交所上市(TWSE: 6533SIN: US03420C2089ISIN: US03420C1099)。晶心是RISC-V國際協會的創始首席會員,也是第一家採用RISC-V作為其第五代架構AndeStar™基礎的主流CPU供應商。為滿足當今電子設備的嚴格要求,晶心提供可配置性高的32/64位高效CPU核心,包含DSP、FPU、Vector、超純量(Superscalar)及多核心系列,可應用於各式SoC與應用場景。晶心並提供功能齊全的整合開發環境和全面的軟/硬體解決方案,可幫助客戶在短時間內創新其SoC設計。在2021年,Andes-Embedded™ SoC的年出貨量突破30億顆;而截至2021年底,嵌入AndesCore™ 的SoC累積總出貨量已超越100億顆。





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Continue Reading晶心科技和 Parasoft 合力為汽車功能安全應用提供無縫的軟體測試工具

晶心科技宣布推出全球首款 1024 位元RISC-V多核心向量處理器AX45MPV

將向量處理功能引入屢獲殊榮的AndesCore™ 45系列

【美國加州聖荷西】— 2023011332/64位元、高效能低功耗的RISC-V處理器核心領導供應商暨RISC-V國際協會創始首席會員晶心科技 (TWSE: 6533; SIN: US03420C2089ISIN: US03420C1099),今日宣佈推出全球首款支援 Linux 、多核心和 1024 位元向量處理能力的AndesCore™ 45 系列新成員AX45MPV。此處理器專為處理大量資料應用而設計,例如資料中心AI推理與訓練、先進駕駛輔助系統 (ADAS)、AR(擴增實境)/ VR(虛擬實境)、電腦視覺、加密與多媒體等。

AX45MPV 承襲了 AX45MP 的所有特點,並融入了NX27V向量處理器3 年多的成功經驗。 AX45MP是一個64位元8級流水線雙發射多核心RISC-V處理器,包含RISC-V GCBP*擴展指令集功能,並支援具有記憶體管理單元 (MMU)的對稱多處理(SMP) Linux,且最多可支持48位元的虛擬地址。不僅如此,AX45MP能在同一個叢集中配置多達八個核心,並搭配Coherence Manager和多達8MB的共享第二級(L2)快取記憶體。Coherence Manager能確保所有第一級(L1)快取資料的一致性,並支援可選配的IO coherence port。(*P擴展指令集為草稿版本)

AX45MPV的向量處理單元(VPU)實現了RISC-V向量(RVV)擴展指令1.0版,且支持最高1024位元的向量及資料通道寬度(VLEN, DLEN)配置。向量處理單元(VPU)可以雙發射向量指令到各個功能單元 ,當所有輸入都準備就緒時,指令可以同時執行,且每個週期可產生多達6 x 1024位元的結果。資料格式可以是整數、固定小數點、浮點數以及為AI應用優化的Andes延伸資料類型。 此外,分段向量加載儲存指令可以將記憶體中的多個連續欄位移入和移出到連續的向量暫存器中,以便對影片、音訊或語音、複數和其他資料進行高效的向量處理。 再者,之前在NX27V中首次提供的Andes Streaming Port(ASP),是一個專用的指令和資料介面,可在AX45MPV(純量和向量)暫存器和外部加速器之間移動大量數據。RVV-aware (支援RISC-V 向量指令) ASP 的指令由使用者自行定義,並可以選擇透過強大的Andes Custom Extension™ (ACE, 晶心客製化擴展指令集) 架構來設計即時的運作。

「AX45MPV多核心向量處理器是自三年前宣布推出的第一款商業化的RISC-V向量處理器NX27V之後,晶心科技和RISC-V發展的另一個重要里程碑。」晶心科技林志明董事長暨執行長表示。「多功能的AX45MPV完全滿足了正在尋找具有能夠快速資料移動及運算並支援Linux多核心向量處理器的客戶需求。 」

「多核心向量處理器是專門為需要高平行度運算的應用而設計。具有出色超純量性能的AX45MPV可於一個叢集中支援最多八個核心,並帶有Coherence manager及可選配的第二級(L2)快取記憶體控制器,」晶心科技總經理暨技術長蘇泓萌博士表示。「 與NX27V VPU最大配置512位元VLEN和DLEN相比, 相同配置的AX45MPV預期能對於非乘加法運算主導的運算核心提升20%-40%的性能;而以1024位元VLEN和DLEN配置的AX45MPV能對於乘加法運算為主導的運算核心提高2倍的性能,這是全球產業的首款商業版本。 AX45MPV滿足需要處理1024位元資料應用的客戶。」

AX45MPV完全支援AndeStar™ V5架構,其中包括最新的RISC-V擴展指令集以及晶心自有的延伸功能,如用於省電的PowerBrake和QuickNap™,用於保護堆疊溢位或下溢的StackSafe™, 及在基於RISC-V 擴展指令集的架構上,提升程式碼密度並縮小code size的CoDense™。除此之外,AX45MPV可一併使用晶心科技現有的AX45MP和NX27V開發工具,例如AndeSight™ IDE整合開發環境和最佳化編譯器、向量和人工神經網路函式庫(NN library)、能最佳化關鍵性能計算的核心流水線可視覺化分析工具AndesClarity™,以及晶心客製化延伸指令(Andes Custom Extension™)架構。AX45MPV能於更廣泛的RISC-V生態圈中發揮影響力,從安全解決方案到系統層級模型,以及硬體除錯/追蹤準系統。

關於晶心 (About Andes Technology)

晶心科技股份有限公司於2005年成立於新竹科學園區,2017年於台灣證交所上市(TWSE: 6533; SIN: US03420C2089; ISIN: US03420C1099)。晶心是RISC-V國際協會的創始首席會員,也是第一家採用RISC-V作為其第五代架構AndeStar™基礎的主流CPU供應商。為滿足當今電子設備的嚴格要求,晶心提供可配置性高的32/64位高效CPU核心,包含DSP、FPU、Vector、超純量(Superscalar)及多核心系列,可應用於各式SoC與應用場景。晶心並提供功能齊全的整合開發環境和全面的軟/硬體解決方案,可幫助客戶在短時間內創新其SoC設計。在2021年,Andes-Embedded™ SoC的年出貨量突破30億顆;而截至2021年底,嵌入AndesCore™ 的SoC累積總出貨量已超越100億顆。



Continue Reading晶心科技宣布推出全球首款 1024 位元RISC-V多核心向量處理器AX45MPV

首屆晶心盃RISC-V創意大賽成績揭曉 將持續舉辦獎勵大專校院研發設計人才


【台灣新竹】— 20221229日— 第一屆晶心盃RISC-V創意大賽於12月23日圓滿落幕。首次舉辦即獲得熱烈回響,吸引12校25隊近百人報名參賽。首屆金牌由國立清華大學同學以「智慧無人機」、國立陽明交通大學同學以「AI邊緣過濾裝置–應用於工業4.0之多機台異音檢測」,獲評審青睞分別奪下創意設計組及應用組的金牌,其他來自國內多所大專院校的參賽團隊也分別展示了以RISC-V為主題的研發成果,並進行校際的溝通交流。


「RISC-V 的架構方興未艾,應用無所不在。希望同學們能將專業知識和創意思維應用到日常生活,以開創新的研究領域,並協助將RISC-V推廣到校園中,成為次世代RISC-V 創新領域的人才。」晶心科技董事長暨執行長林志明在致詞時表示,「晶心盃RISC-V創意大賽是長遠的大計,我們將長期舉辦本項競賽,點燃RISC-V 領域研究熱忱、持續提供創作動力並厚植人才,提供RISC-V生態系成長的園地。」晶心科技的總經理暨技術長蘇泓萌博士也表示:「RISC-V在短短的數年間已經蔚為潮流,希望可以透過RISC-V 創意大賽,把RISC-V開放創新的精神帶到校園的角落,為台灣的IC設計產業帶來下一個高峰。」


金牌獎:智慧無人機 (國立清華大學),獎金新台幣20萬元

銀牌獎:神經網路中文特定詞語音辨識 (國立中央大學),獎金新台幣10萬元

銅牌獎:NN布斯特 (國立清華大學),獎金新台幣5萬元


  • 人工智慧居家照護的熱影像超解析度成像模組 (國立臺灣大學)
  • 硬體木馬偵測與RISC-V核心 (國立中山大學)
  • 晶圓瑕疵診測物聯網分析系統 (國立陽明交通大學)
  • 針對5G通訊以神經網路為基礎之數位預失真處理器 (國立陽明交通大學)


金牌獎:AI邊緣過濾裝置—應用於工業4.0之多機台異音檢測 (國立陽明交通大學),獎金新台幣20萬元

銀牌獎:針對大數據壓縮與生醫訊號降噪之奇異值分解處理器 (國立陽明交通大學),獎金新台幣10萬元

銅牌獎:智能醫療耗材管理 (國立臺中科技大學),獎金新台幣 5萬元


  • 智慧浴室IoT控制系統(國立臺中科技大學)
  • 大門入侵反應系統 (崑山科技大學)
  • 悠「游」自得 (國立臺灣科技大學)



晶心科技股份有限公司於2005年成立於新竹科學園區,2017年於台灣證交所上市(TWSE: 6533; SIN: US03420C2089; ISIN: US03420C1099)。晶心是RISC-V國際協會的創始首席會員,也是第一家採用RISC-V作為其第五代架構AndeStar™基礎的主流CPU供應商。為滿足當今電子設備的嚴格要求,晶心提供可配置性高的32/64位高效CPU核心,包含DSP、FPU、Vector、超純量(Superscalar)及多核心系列,可應用於各式SoC與應用場景。晶心並提供功能齊全的整合開發環境和全面的軟/硬體解決方案,可幫助客戶在短時間內創新其SoC設計。在2021年,Andes-Embedded™ SoC的年出貨量突破30億顆;而截至2021年底,嵌入AndesCore™ 的SoC累積總出貨量已超越100億顆。 更多關於晶心的資訊,請參閱晶心官網https://www.andestech.com。追蹤晶心最新消息:LinkedInFacebookWeiboTwitterBilibili以及YouTube


晶心科技從2010年與國立交通大學簽訂第一份產學合作合約開始至今,與全世界70餘所大專院校合作,締結超過140個以上的合約。晶心提供處理器系列授權(CPU IP Cores Licensing)、開發工具軟體AndeSight™ 及硬體開發平台給締約學校,授權範圍從晶心自行研發的V3系列,到最新RISC-V系列之處理器。晶心科技為了深耕學界,歷年來積極投入大專院校各式資源,並具體參與、支援學校各項軟硬體設備,並與各大學成立聯合實驗室等。晶心長期耕耘學校多年,主要是為了回饋學術界,並致力於「科技源自於教育」的理念,故提供最先進RISC-V 核心運算處理器IP、系統晶片(SoC)技術、完整的訓練教材、專業的教學課程、實務的業界經驗與獨特的證照考試(晶心開發系統技術能力分級檢定, Andes Certified Engineer Test –ACET™ Program)等多項技術與服務,提供給參加合作計畫的大學。

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