Design Service
世芯電子股份有限公司(F世芯:3661)成立於2003年,總部設於臺灣臺北,專為高複雜度,高產量ASIC 和SoC設計提供矽設計及量產服務,產品主要應用在高解析度電視、消費性電子產品、超級電腦、醫療設備、娛樂機台、比特幣挖礦機等。隨著IC設計技術複雜度的提高和產品快速上市的需求,世芯致力於為客戶提供最高效益/成本比的解決方案,確保客戶一次投片成功並快速將產品導入市場,於2014年10月28日掛牌上市。
APLabs Inc.
Incorporated in November, 2019 in Korea, APLabs Inc. is a leading ASIC/SoC design service provider.
The company is specialized in highly optimized CPU subsystem based on template CPU platform to shorten the existing development period from C level design, RTL level design to implementation service that combine optimal process technology and IP to meet customer’s specifications. APLabs organization provides turnkey services from ASIC/SoC service to foundry, package, and testing vendors, and SoC platform board development. The company works closely with foundry companies in Korea, Taiwan, China and others to focus on developing and supplying custom semiconductors (ASICs) that supply system semiconductor products to meet customer needs.
APLabs has provided design services and mass production in applications that include mobile devices, , AI, Security, Automotive, ISP, communication and network, and IoT products. APLabs will focus on high end service can be continuously meet customer expectation and satisfaction. For more information about APLabs, please visit
Baysand is the leader in Application Configurable ASICs targeting short time to market and cost effective ASIC solutions. With its unique and patented Metal Configurable Standard Cell (MCSC) technology and Field Configurable DSP architecture (fcDSP), the company provides ASIC designers with world class solutions featuring:
- Low NRE
- Short time to market
- Lowest Power
- Low unit cost
- Best performance
- Programmability and flexibility
Baysand is fabless, privately held and based in the Silicon Valley, San Jose, CA.
For more information about Baysand Inc. please visit http://
CircuitSutra is an Electronics System Level (ESL) design IP and services company which specializes in SystemC modeling of Electronics Systems and Semiconductor SoC. Its core competencies include Virtual Prottype development, High Level Synthesis, Architectural exploration and Embedded software development using Virtual Prototypes. CircuitSutra has a worldwide customer base which range from leading Systems companies & Semiconductor companies to the Fabless companies. Headquartered in Noida (India), CircuitSutra has development centers in Noida and Bangalore. CircuitSutra’s mission is to accelerate the adoption of ESL methodologies in the Industry. We develop standards based SystemC models that can integrate with any ESL tools. We have expertise in various standards being formulated in SoC modeling domain. SystemC IEEE 1666, OSCI TLM2.0, OSCI CCI, SystemC-AMS, STARC TLM Guidelines, OCP-IP TLM Kit, SystemC Synthesizable Subset, IP-XACT, UVM.
For more information about CircuitSutra., please visit
益芯擁有多種跨國資源,包括應用工具、矽智財(IP)、設計流程等核心技術,以及類比、射頻、高階數位等設計人才,提供客戶完整 (one-stop) 的技術服務,協助系統及IC設計公司達成產品即時上市 (time-to-market) 的目標。
easics is market leader in ASIC / SoC design & supply services, and FPGA / SoC designs. easics designs advanced full ASICs and digital ASIC macros, as well as FPGA / SoC-based systems.
The company specializes in image / sensor processing & interfacing, DSP, wireless, ultra-low power, high-speed interfacing, microprocessor integration / embedded software, and AI.
easics also develops and licenses semiconductor IP products: nearbAI for ultra-low power near-sensor AI, and TCP/IP cores for reliable low-latency communication.
End-markets include automotive, healthcare, mobile, consumer, IoT, industrial, measurement equipment and space.
easics is a rock-solid company, in business for 30+ years and was founded in 1991. It is an independent company, ISO 9001:2015 certified, and headquartered in Leuven – Belgium.
EE Solutions
EE Solutions (EES)成立於1999年,是客戶委託自有規格ASIC 和系統單芯片 (SoC) 前段及後段數模混合設計解決方案的領導供貨商。 EES為全球IC設計公司與系統公司提供設計以及統包(量產)服務。業內已認可本公司的規格討論與制定, 研發工程實力及背景、海外客戶委託設計及完成經驗、以及能精確符合設計需求, 和客戶共同解決技術及量產經驗。 EES利用先進的設計技術而證明可對客戶提供最佳的解決方案、達成客戶的業務目標。 EES也提供有效的設計方法以及一系列先進的智能財產權(IP)和專業人才,能協助客戶邁入深次微米的設計領域。 EES的總部位在台灣的新竹市,而設計中心則在台灣台北。本公司亦派有駐韓國的代表。 EES China Corp.的總部成立於上海,並有深圳分公司。
智原科技為ASIC (特殊應用積體電路) / SoC (系統單晶片)設計服務暨IP(矽智財)研發銷售領導廠商,名列全球前五十大、台灣前十大無晶圓廠IC供應商 (fabless IC suppliers)。位於新竹科學園區內,並於美國、日本、歐洲與中國大陸設有研發、行銷據點。從1993年成立迄今,智原已經成功為客戶設計出數千款晶片,平均全球每年出貨量達數億顆,應用範圍遍及各領域,包括消費性電子、視訊(安全監控)、音訊多媒體、平面顯示器、通訊、電腦週邊/存儲設備等。
智原科技為全球ASIC/SoC設計服務領域中,少數同時累積與具備豐富IP資產和開發能力的廠商。目前自行開發並已通過矽驗證(silicon proven)的數千個IP中,包括cell library、memory compiler、processor cores、analog IP、peripheral IP,以及完整的interface IP等,這些智原自有的IP,為客戶大幅降低整合的風險、成本、時間,加速設計流程。同時,也因為長期累積的IP開發經驗,智原亦具備從最基礎IP進行客製化的設計能力與彈性,以滿足客戶在功耗、尺寸、效能等方面的特殊需求。
創意電子(GLOBAL UNICHIP CORP.,GUC)是彈性客製化IC領導廠商(The Flexible ASIC LeaderTM),總部位於台灣,提供完整的彈性客製化IC服務(The Flexible ASIC ServicesTM),滿足當今創新科技公司獨一無二的業務與技術需求。
Incise Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Incise was founded in 2010 with an aim of becoming a leading Design-Verification company,has offices in Delhi-NCR and Bangalore. We empower customers to become market leaders with our cost-effective and on schedule project execution.
Incise has a strong record of delivering 100% first time silicon success. Incise employs efficient use of resources and standard practices to achieve cost effective and first time right silicon. Incise team has experience of delivering more than 20 working silicon, and has a strong team of 175+ expert engineers.
Our services offering includes all aspects of semiconductor design – Logic Design, Verification, Synthesis-STA, Physical Implementation, Design-For Testing, and embedded software development. Some of our ongoing projects are 5G verification project, MCU verification, and Physical design and DFT with a global customer base. Our business model is very flexible to meet customer requirements, and includes on-stie-offsite development with Turkey and Time and Material mode.
For more information please visit
Key ASIC Inc.
Key ASIC’s design expertise and unique IP address critical area, integration and cost challenges for mixed-signal, RF, low-power and high-voltage technologies. Design locations in Silicon Valley (USA), Taiwan (Hsin-Chu Science Park) and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, combined with extensive manufacturing and logistics resources and a flexible engagement model, provide Key ASIC customers with a comprehensive support system for modular ASIC innovation from IP development through prototype to production.
For more information about Key ASIC Inc., please visit
Microip excels in providing comprehensive IC design services, offering innovative and customized solutions to meet the dynamic needs of the semiconductor industry. Our design services cover all aspects of IC development, from initial concept and architecture design to detailed RTL performance analysis and verification, including both front-end and back-end design phases all the way to production. We pride ourselves on our ability to tackle complex design challenges, delivering tailored solutions that ensure optimal performance, power efficiency, and cost-effectiveness.
Partnering with us means leveraging unparalleled expertise, advanced technology, and a commitment to excellence, ensuring you stay ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of integrated circuit design.
For more information about Microip, please visit
MooreElite is a world-leading IC design accelerator, providing ASIC design and turn-key solutions across multiple market sectors. MooreElite strives to provide one-stop services from RTL/SPEC/FPGA to chip delivery. Our services include but are not limited to: Chip Architecture Planning, IP Selection, Digital Frontend Design, DFT, Digital Verification, Physical Design, Layout, Tape-Out, Assembly and Testing services. Our team has been serving customers with knowledge of how to get the most out of silicon since 2012, offering maximum flexibility with turn-key, NRE, consulting and on-site support services. Headquartered in Shanghai, MooreElite has offices in Beijing, Shenzhen, Hefei, Chongqing, Suzhou, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Xi’an, Nanjing, Xiamen, Hsinchu and San Jose.
MooreElite has launched the IP Cloud service in July 2018 with the most comprehensive IP platform in Chinese Semiconductor industry. The platform strives to be the “Google” of Silicon IP; it is already the one stop station that represents more than 100 leading IP suppliers for IC designers seeking IP solutions. Responding to the high demand from the Chinese market, Andes has offered the IP solutions in the portal, MooreElite IP Cloud platform will also be providing valuable functional assistance for global IP providers and designers with constantly updated News Center and Knowledge Center databases in future updates. For more information please visit
Headquartered in Silicon Valley, California, USA, PerfectVIPs, Inc., is a fabless semiconductor company & leading provider of Custom Design, Verification, Physical design, Emulation and Embedded firmware solutions for IP/SOC/ASIC/FPGA product development in Emerging technologies, Processors, Storage, AI/ML, Automotive, Cloud, Consumer, IOT and Networking industries.
PerfectVIPs’s innovative custom solutions, strategies and methodologies are designed to enable extraordinarily fast product delivery with exceptionally cost-effective execution.
Our services areas include:
- Spec to Silicon Solution
- Architecture Planning
- Digital Design & Verification
- Synthesis & Timing
- Physical Design and DFT
- Emulation and Post Silicon Validation
- Analog Design and Layout
- Embedded Firmware & Software Development
PerfectVIPs’ team has an impeccable record of achieving first silicon working chips of complex, leading edge designs since 2010, offering many flexible execution models such as combination of on-site off-site and extended offshore development center model, turn-key model, and NRE model with team of 400+ engineers at our 7 development centers in USA, Canada and India.
For more information about PerfectVIPs, please visit
巨有科技(PGC)創立於1991年,在ASIC設計服務產業擁有29年的經驗,總部設立於(台灣)台北市內湖科技園區。巨有科技專注於ASIC/SoC設計的Turnkey服務,是台灣創新ASIC設計服務的提供者,為TSMC Design Center Alliance (DCA) ASIC Service Partner 的策略夥伴,並與台積電的策略夥伴「世界先進」(VIS)長期合作,提供更多的IP(矽智財)的解決方案,滿足客戶產品多元化應用的需求,提昇客戶產品的競爭力優勢。巨有科技始終努力提供最優質、最穩定的服務給客戶,從各種SoC Platform的提供,以ARM/ANDES為核心,整合各種應用IP、RTL coding到系統整合,使用先進完整的Synopsys (ICC2) IC design service flow for TSMC 7nm,亦整合了Cadence、Mentor等EDA Tools,完全符合TSMC Process的認證。
從1991年至今,巨有科技已經為數百位的客戶成功地完成超過1000件的專案,產品應用範圍涵蓋3C products, Industrial Automatic Control, Aerospace, RF, Security, Storage, IoT, AI, MEMS, Networking, Automotive, Factory Automation, PLC, Medical, HPC, GPS, Communication, ADAS, FPGA, Multimedia, Smart meter, ASIC, IP Camera, 5G, Bitcoin Mining, Data Center, Machine Learning, AIoT, Image Processing, Biomedical, Edge Computing, Cloud Server, AR, VR, Drone, SoC, Edge AI, Sensor, Gaming, Analog, SiP, Chiplets, High Voltage, ARM, USB……等各項應用電子產品,超過數億顆IC量產經驗以及數萬片的晶圓片,並且銷售到歐洲、美國、日本、以色列、俄羅斯、韓國、新加坡、越南、台灣和中國等世界各地。
巨有科技為客戶在工程和大規模生產階段提供整合測試解決方案和服務,包括測試程式開發服務,晶片探測服務和IC最終測試服務。主要的測試機有Credence D10,Chroma 3650和Teradyne J750EX……等。
巨有科技與許多國內外IP公司建立長期穩定的合作的關係,累積許多IP使用、整合、驗證的技術經驗,也可以為客戶客製化各種IP,且在研發技術上更不斷地追求突破與創新ASIC/SoC/Platform ASIC,巨有科技提供先進完整的Synopsys (ICC2) IC design turnkey service for TSMC 7nm,為ASIC設計服務產業的先進技術提供者。
Ulead Technology Inc.
Ulead Technology Inc. is a leading fabless provider of silicon intellectual property (SIP) components and IC design service house for the design and manufacture of complex system-on-a-chip integrated circuits.
Global operations and local service is our strategy to provide best service to our customer. Ulead Technology has established support team in three locations. Whether you are looking for most advanced IC technology from Silicon Valley in USA, the best price/quality valued Taiwanese foundry or the most cost effective solution from China’s Fab., Ulead Technology is ready to offer the best solutions to you.
For more information about Ulead Technology Inc., please visit
Xinyx Design Consultancy and Services Inc.
Established in 2009, Xinyx emerged after Intel concluded its operations in the Philippines. Our inception marked the pioneering of the IC Design services industry in the country. Starting as a modest IC design house catering to fabless startups, we have evolved into a top-tier turnkey IC Design solutions company, delivering cutting-edge technology to global semiconductor companies.
For more information please visit
Founded in 2002, XtremeEDA is a preferred North-American provider of front-end design and verification services for the semiconductor industry. Our team is unparalleled – with employees averaging 20+ years of semiconductor industry experience and expertise that spans most major sectors.
Our business approach emphasizes enduring and transformational relationships to employ creative solutions that enable extraordinary results for all stakeholders!
For more information please visit
所有商標權利歸各公司所有。例如,OMNIVISION® 是 OmniVision Technologies, Inc. 所擁有的商標。