
Andes 宣布推出 AndesCore™ AX66,支持 RVA23、多叢集架構、虛擬機以及 Android 系統

【台灣新竹】— 2025年1月23日 — 晶心科技(Andes Technology)作為高效能、低功耗32/64位元RISC-V處理器核心的領先供應商及RISC-V國際組織的創始頂級會員,今日宣布推出支援RVA23規範的AndesCore™ AX66亂序超純量多核處理器IP。AX66是高效能亂序AX60系列的第二款成員。基於AX65的成功設計,AX66擁有相同的13階段管線、4寬解碼以及8寬亂序執行,並引入了許多新功能,包括向量和向量加密支持、虛擬機和AIA、多集群支持介面(CHI)以及RVA23規範支持。AX66在性能擴展性、多媒體、安全性及虛擬化方面的多樣化能力,使其成為高效能Linux和Android應用中理想的主處理器,適用於邊緣/數據中心AI、資訊娛樂、高級家電、高級家電、網路及影像/攝影應用等。

AX66的SpecInt2006效能相比第一代AX65提升了超過15%。每個核心擁有64KB的私有L1指令和數據快取,並且擁有高達1MB的私有L2快取,而每個集群包含多達8個核心及最多32MB的共享L3快取。除了AX65已具備的IO一致性介面外,AX66還增加了支援多集群一致性的CHI(Coherence Hub Interface)介面。透過CHI介面的支持,我們可以在同一個快取一致性域中使用更多AX66 CPU共同工作。結合虛擬機、AIA和選配的IOMMU技術,AX66能夠完全虛擬化整個多集群CPU子系統,以進行資源共享和安全性保障。此外,AX66支援RISC-V標準的外部調試和指令追蹤介面,以促進快速的系統開發、分析和調試。


AndesCore™ AX66已於2024年第四季通過早期使用者計劃提供給前期客戶,並將於2025年向一般客戶推出。如需有關AX66及AX60系列處理器的更多資訊,請聯絡晶心科技。

晶心科技股份有限公司于2005年成立於新竹科學園區,2017年於臺灣證交所上市 (TWSE: 6533SIN: US03420C2089ISIN: US03420C1099)。晶心是RISC-V國際協會的創始首席會員,也是第一家推出商用RISC-V向量處理器的主流CPU供應商。為滿足當今電子設備的嚴格要求,晶心提供可配置性高的32/64位元高效能CPU核心,包含DSP、FPU、Vector、超純量  (Superscalar)、亂序執行  (Out-of-Order)、多核心及車用系列,可應用於各式SoC與應用場景。晶心並提供功能齊全的整合開發環境和全面的軟/硬體解決方案,可幫助客戶在短時間內創新其SoC設計。截至2024年底,Andes-Embedded™ SoC累計出貨量已超過160億顆。 欲瞭解更多資訊,請訪問  https://www.andestech.com。請立即透過LinkedInX、 Bilibili以及YouTube追蹤晶心最新消息。

Continue ReadingAndes 宣布推出 AndesCore™ AX66,支持 RVA23、多叢集架構、虛擬機以及 Android 系統

第三屆晶心盃 RISC-V 創意大賽 設計巧思百花齊放

展現訊號處理領域的創新實力,各自贏回新台幣 20 萬元獎金

【台灣新竹】— 2025年1月21日 — 第三屆晶心盃 RISC-V 創意大賽於2024年12月28日在台北市圓山數位創新基地順利閉幕,為這場歷時8個月的創意競賽畫下圓滿句點。本屆大賽以「人工智慧新紀元」為主題,吸引來自全台14所大專院校、超過百名學生參賽。活動由晶心科技主辦,IAR贊助,並獲得台灣 RISC-V 聯盟協辦,共同合力打造一個學術與產業的跨界對話平台,展現 RISC-V 技術的無限可能。本屆競賽共有 49 支隊伍報名參賽,提案兼具創新與實務,競爭相當激烈。經過初賽與複賽兩階段,最終 20 支隊伍脫穎而出進入總決賽。競賽分為創意設計組與應用組,分別側重新穎性及實用整合性。由產學研專家組成的評審團,從作品展示、完成度、設計理念等多方評估,最終選出金、銀、銅牌及五項佳作。

經過激烈競爭,國立陽明交通大學的「智慧手語:基於 LLM 之即時手語翻譯」和國立中山大學的「從聲音空間化結合智慧化毫米波感測器探討沉浸聲響之多元體驗」分別榮獲創意設計組及應用組金牌。這些作品不僅展現了學生在創意與技術上的潛力,更凸顯晶心產品在訊號處理領域的易於導入及優異性能,再次彰顯其在 RISC-V 領域的領先地位。


晶心科技董事長暨執行長林志明,同時也是台灣 RISC-V 聯盟會長,他幽默表示:「晶心的產品布局正一路進階,越做越豐富,我們的 RISC-V 創意大賽也將越玩越精彩!我們正強化車用領域,推出高階 Out-of-Order 產品線及強大算力的向量處理器。未來,這些次世代科技將陸續亮相,同學們的創意應用也有望隨之升級,大家準備好迎接這波 RISC-V 新浪潮吧!」

晶心科技總經理兼技術長蘇泓萌博士則表示:「經歷 X86 主宰 PC 時代和 ARM 稱霸手機時代,RISC-V 已成為 AI 應用的最佳選擇。它結合了快速發展的 AI 生態與創新,提供客制化指令的彈性,為客戶需求量身打造解決方案。今天看到學生們的展示,真讓人感慨創意無極限!雖然作品目前還無法直接量產,但這些競賽經驗將是未來成功的重要基石。」

第三屆晶心盃 RISC-V 創意大賽至此完美收官,不僅激發學生的創新能量,還進一步鞏固 RISC-V 在學術與產業界的影響力,為台灣科技創新注入新的動能。


  • 設計組

金牌獎:每隊獎金NT 20萬元
– 智慧手語:基於LLM之即時手語翻譯 (林聖博、謝翔丞,指導教授:陳添福,國立陽明交通大學)

銀牌獎:每隊獎金NT 10萬元
– 針對既有x86-64執行檔的快速動態轉換 (邱繼寬,指導教授:黃敬群,國立成功大學)

銅牌獎:每隊獎金NT 5萬元
– 蜂擁而上a蜜蜂屋 (林榆萱、吳峻愷、劉孟惟、陳韋綸,指導教授:許永和、徐元寶,國立虎尾科技大學)

佳  作:每隊獎金NT 3萬元
– 刀具販賣機與智能倉儲管理系統 (陳柏宇、黃琮皓、謝培聖、吳祥廷,指導教授:許永和、謝東賢,國立虎尾科技大學)
– 智慧農藥噴灑監測助理 (吳承諺、陳億穎、劉晉安、陳俞如,指導教授:許永和、林正敏,國立虎尾科技大學)
– 終端深度捲積生成對抗網路訓練處理器 (韓在元、李國偉,指導教授:管延城,國立陽明交通大學)
– 雙管齊下 (鄭睿軒、林誼旻、林敬雅,指導教授:許永和、莊文河,國立虎尾科技大學)
– 流浪動物守護者 (陳祺仁、陳琦汶、楊博凱、王之瑜,指導教授:許永和、莊文河,國立虎尾科技大學)

  • 應用組

金牌獎:每隊獎金NT 20萬元
– 從聲音空間化結合智慧化毫米波感測器探討沉浸聲響之多元體驗 (邱子耕、林慶祐,指導教授:邱日清、陳以軒,國立中山大學)

銀牌獎:每隊獎金NT 10萬元
– 具有回饋與發球整合之自適應桌球分級分群訓練系統 (郭觀泰、陳逸軒、黃旭生、黃丞佑,指導教授:許永和,國立虎尾科技大學)

銅牌獎:每隊獎金NT 5萬元
– 針對偏微分求解之內嵌物理知識神經網路處理器 (燕新城、梁策,指導教授:管延城,國立陽明交通大學)

佳  作:每隊獎金NT 3萬元
– Scout-基於影像辨識的剩食解決方案 (鄭宇傑、張佑誠、呂安、邱德晏,指導教授:陳添福、周致遠,國立陽明交通大學)
– 虛擬游泳教練 (陳郁庭、莊捷森、蔡今瑞、林詩宸,指導教授:許永和、黃建宏,國立虎尾科技大學)
– 握持式生理量測球 (黃廉侑,指導教授:高立人,國立臺北科技大學)
– 工具機安裝好幫手 (楊育哲、吳柏毅、林涵宇、林獻堂,指導教授:許永和、謝東賢,國立虎尾科技大學)
– 適用於衛星通訊之下世代低峰均功率比傳輸平台開發 (賴虹升、鄭宇強、謝曜安,指導教授:蕭煒翰、粘儆夫、陳元賀,私立長庚大學電機學系)

關於晶心 (Andes Technology)
晶心科技股份有限公司于2005年成立於新竹科學園區,2017年於臺灣證交所上市 (TWSE: 6533SIN: US03420C2089ISIN: US03420C1099)。晶心是RISC-V國際協會的創始首席會員,也是第一家推出商用RISC-V向量處理器的主流CPU供應商。為滿足當今電子設備的嚴格要求,晶心提供可配置性高的32/64位元高效能CPU核心,包含DSP、FPU、Vector、超純量  (Superscalar)、亂序執行  (Out-of-Order)、多核心及車用系列,可應用於各式SoC與應用場景。晶心並提供功能齊全的整合開發環境和全面的軟/硬體解決方案,可幫助客戶在短時間內創新其SoC設計。截至2024年底,Andes-Embedded™ SoC累計出貨量已超過160億顆。 欲瞭解更多資訊,請訪問  https://www.andestech.com。請立即透過LinkedInX、 Bilibili以及YouTube追蹤晶心最新消息。

晶心科技從2010年與國立交通大學簽訂第一份產學合作合約開始至今,與全世界80餘所大專院校合作,締結超過140個以上的合約。晶心提供處理器系列授權(CPU IP Cores Licensing)、開發工具軟體AndeSight™ 及硬體開發平台給締約學校,授權範圍從晶心自行研發的V3系列,到最新RISC-V系列之處理器。晶心科技為了深耕學界,歷年來積極投入大專院校各式資源,並具體參與、支援學校各項軟硬體設備,並與各大學成立聯合實驗室等。晶心長期耕耘學校多年,主要是為了回饋學術界,並致力於「科技源自於教育」的理念,故提供最先進RISC-V 核心運算處理器IP、系統晶片(SoC)技術、完整的訓練教材、專業的教學課程、實務的業界經驗與獨特的證照考試(晶心開發系統技術能力分級檢定, Andes Certified Engineer Test –ACET™ Program)等多項技術與服務,提供給參加合作計畫的大學。

Continue Reading第三屆晶心盃 RISC-V 創意大賽 設計巧思百花齊放

晶心科技發表 D45-SE RISC-V 處理器 鎖定 ASIL-D 功能安全等級最高的認證

臺灣新竹 2024年1226 – 晶心科技(TWSE:6533; SIN US03420C2089; ISIN: US03420C1099)是全球高效能、低功耗 32/64 位 RISC-V 處理器的領導廠商,也是 RISC-V International 的創始高級會員,今天宣佈推出其領先行業的AndesCore™ D45-SE功能安全 RISC-V 處理器,該處理器以獲得 ISO 26262 ASIL-D(汽車安全完整性D級)認證為目的。

D45-SE 與已有經過量產考驗的 D45系出同源,是一款 32 位元、8 級雙發射處理器,支援 RISC-V GCBP 擴展: 包括單/雙精度浮點數、16 位元指令壓縮、位元操作、SIMD/DSP (草案版本) 以及晶心自有的性能增強擴展指令集。此外,它還集成了許多強化功能安全的機制,例如雙核鎖步 (DCLS),此為一個實時診斷安全電路,利用額外的處理器和一組比較器來增強診斷覆蓋率; ECC 用於記憶體軟錯誤保護; 用於確保匯流排資料及地址傳輸正確性的匯流排保護機制; 內核中斷狀態匯流排介面,用於指示處理器內部的錯誤即時狀態資訊; 以及 StakSafe™,一種保護堆疊的硬體機制。 此外在性能方面D45-SE保持與 D45 相同出色的6.12 Coremark/MHz。通過這些安全增強功能,D45-SE 可確保容錯能力,滿足對安全應用的嚴格要求。

此外,它還支援拆分模式 (Split-mode),允許兩個內核在配置拆分鎖時可獨立運行。該處理器還提供全面的功能安全支援文檔,幫助客戶將安全功能整合到他們的產品設計中並滿足 ISO 26262 合規性。D45-SE 標誌著一個里程碑,突顯了晶心致力於為汽車產業及其他領域提供領先業界的關鍵任務解決方案的承諾。

「我們很高興地宣佈推出 D45-SE,這是一款高性能 RISC-V 處理器,旨在提供卓越的安全性和可靠性。這證明了我們致力於提供高安全可靠的處理器解決方案,」 晶心科技董事長暨執行長林志明表示。「這一成就反映了我們對支持汽車產業追求更高安全標準和創新的持續承諾。」

晶心科技股份有限公司于2005年成立於新竹科學園區,2017年於臺灣證交所上市 (TWSE: 6533SIN: US03420C2089ISIN: US03420C1099)。晶心是RISC-V國際協會的創始首席會員,也是第一家推出商用RISC-V向量處理器的主流CPU供應商。為滿足當今電子設備的嚴格要求,晶心提供可配置性高的32/64位元高效能CPU核心,包含DSP、FPU、Vector、超純量  (Superscalar)、亂序執行  (Out-of-Order)、多核心及車用系列,可應用於各式SoC與應用場景。晶心並提供功能齊全的整合開發環境和全面的軟/硬體解決方案,可幫助客戶在短時間內創新其SoC設計。截至2023年底,Andes-Embedded™ SoC累計出貨量已超過140億顆。 欲瞭解更多資訊,請訪問  https://www.andestech.com。請立即透過LinkedInX、 Bilibili以及YouTube追蹤晶心最新消息。

Continue Reading晶心科技發表 D45-SE RISC-V 處理器 鎖定 ASIL-D 功能安全等級最高的認證

Andes Technology Partners with ProvenRun to Strengthen RISC-V Trusted Execution Environment

Taipei, TaiwanDec. 18, 2024 – Andes Technology Corporation (TWSE: 6533), the leading supplier of RISC-V processor IP, and ProvenRun, the leading secure OS vendor for connected vehicles and smart devices, announce their partnership to offer ProvenRun’s formally proven Secure OS and Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) on Andes’ RISC-V processors.

As security threats increase, device and data protection is critical for consumers and governments alike. Preventing information leaks and safeguarding systems from misuse requires embedded systems and IoT devices to integrate advanced security features.  Hardware and software isolation, in particular, is essential to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information in device memory.

Andes Technology has played a central role in enhancing RISC-V security standards, having chaired RISC-V International’s IOPMP (IO Physical Memory Protection) task group and co-chaired the TEE (Trusted Execution Environment) task group.  These efforts resulted in the IOPMP specification that provides the hardware isolation mechanisms needed to secure hardware, as well as a secure monitor and TEE to use this hardware to allow OS and applications to run protected from each other and malicious code.

ProvenRun’s ProvenCore is the only OS certified at ISO/IEC 15408 Common Criteria Evaluation Assurance Level 7 (EAL7) – the highest recognized level of security assurance, achieved through rigorous testing, analysis, and formal methods.  It is suitable for the high-risk, mission-critical environments, including critical infrastructure, financial systems, automotive, aerospace, and defense.

Through this partnership, Andes and ProvenRun bring to market a highly secure platform running ProvenRun’s Common Criteria EAL7-certified TEE and OS on a system that integrates Andes IOPMP with Andes RISC-V processors.

“ProvenRun offers the most secure TEE and OS on the market today for ARM and now RISC-V architectures,” said Thierry Chesnais, ProvenRun CEO.  “Andes leadership in RISC-V security task groups and broad portfolio of RISC-V IP, makes them a natural partner to deploy ProvenCore for highly secure environments.”

“Andes RISC-V IOPMP IPs bring unique and competitive security advantages to our customers using RISC-V processors,” said Samuel Chiang, marketing director of Andes Technology. “Our partnership with ProvenRun allows us to deliver robust solutions for customers developing trusted execution environment products. We are excited to work with ProvenRun as they introduce the benefits of ProvenCore to the RISC-V community, enhancing the performance and resilience of security-focused RISC-V applications.”

About Andes Technology
As a Founding Premier member of RISC-V International and a leader in commercial CPU IP, Andes Technology (TWSE: 6533; SIN: US03420C2089; ISIN: US03420C1099) is driving the global adoption of RISC-V.  Andes’ extensive RISC-V Processor IP portfolio spans from ultra-efficient 32-bit CPUs to high-performance 64-bit Out-of-Order multiprocessor coherent clusters. 
With advanced vector processing, DSP capabilities, the powerful Andes Automated Custom Extension (ACE) framework, end-to-end AI hardware/software stack, ISO 26262 certification with full compliance, and a robust software ecosystem, Andes unlocks the full potential of RISC-V, empowering customers to accelerate innovation across AI, automotive, communications, consumer electronics, data centers, and mobile devices.  Over 15 billion Andes-powered SoCs are driving innovations globally.
Discover more at www.andestech.com and connect with Andes on LinkedInX (formerly Twitter)Bilibili and YouTube.

About ProvenRun
ProvenRun provides the most secure foundation for smart connected devices at the chip, device, edge and cloud levels. With unparalleled experience in formal methods and security applications, ProvenRun’s operating systems and trusted applications run on MCU/MPUs for both ARM and RISC-V, and resolve the challenges arising from the IoT revolution while dramatically improving the protection against remote cyberattacks. Carmakers and IoT device builders can attain best-in-class cybersecurity, develop and certify applications faster, get ahead of future regulatory requirements and dramatically reduce their lifecycle maintenance costs. For more information, please visit https://provenrun.com/. Follow ProvenRun on LinkedIn.

Continue ReadingAndes Technology Partners with ProvenRun to Strengthen RISC-V Trusted Execution Environment

HighTec C/C++ 編譯器套件支援晶心科技 ISO 26262 認證的 RISC-V IP,適用於汽車安全應用

德國薩爾布呂肯 (Saarbrücken/Germany)  —  2024年12月12日 —汽車編譯器解決方案領先供應商 HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH 宣布其針對汽車市場的高度最佳化 C/C++ 編譯器支援晶心科技的 RISC-V IP。這項支援對汽車軟體開發人員來說是一個里程碑,因為HighTec的編譯器現在無縫支援晶心功能安全認證的RISC-V內核,以確保汽車處理器的最佳化程式碼生成,提高效率和效能。

晶心致力於透過符合 ISO 26262 標準的 AndesCore™ RISC-V IP、軟體和開發工具提供最先進的汽車解決方案。 2022年,晶心科技推出業界首款完全符合ASIL-B認證的RISC-V CPU IP N25F-SE,在此成就的基礎上,晶心擴大了安全增強型(Safety Enhance , SE)系列,包括支援數位信號處理器(DSP)的ASIL-B D25F-SE、精簡且安全的ASIL-D D23-SE、高性能ASIL-D D45-SE、以及後續推出的針對先進駕駛輔助系統(ADAS) 和車載資訊娛樂系統(IVI) 應用的60-SE 系列。 晶心科技憑藉經過認證的 RISC-V IP 以及由 ISO 26262 合格工具和軟體組成的強大生態系統,幫助客戶的最終產品獲得 ISO 26262 認證。 SE 核心提供靈活性、可擴展性、安全性和卓越的性能,以滿足現代汽車應用的多樣化需求。

HighTec C/C++編譯器建立在現代低層次虛擬機器(Low Level Virtual Machine, LLVM)開源技術之上,確保晶心RISC-V IP效能的最佳利用,使汽車軟體開發人員能夠實現更快、更有效率的程式碼執行。HighTec 的編譯器以其快速建置時間而聞名,可產生高度密集且可靠的程式碼。開發人員特別看重 Clang 前端,因為它有廣泛的分析選項。 HighTec 的 C/C++ 編譯器經過 ASIL-D(最高功能安全等級)認證,包含一個認證工具包,可簡化安全關鍵應用程式的開發和認證,幫助汽車軟體開發人員加快認證流程。

晶心科技總經理暨技術長蘇泓萌博士表示:「20多年來,HighTec一直致力於推動汽車產業的發展,是全球首批獲得ASIL認證的編譯器供應商之一。我們很高興將HighTec添加到晶心科技的汽車生態系中。 這款最新的 C/C++ 編譯器為我們的客戶帶來了巨大的價值,為他們提供了一個經過 ISO 26262 認證的差異化 RISC-V 開發環境,從而提高了程式碼效率和效能。」

HighTec 技術長Mario Cupelli 表示:「晶心提供完全符合ISO 26262 的RISC-V IP 的領先產品組合,我們很高興加入他們的生態系統。HighTec 的汽車編譯器將全面致力於晶心RISC-V IP生命週期支援。汽車客戶可以快速追蹤合規工作並提高安全關鍵型 RISC-V 應用的性能和穩健性,從而加快基於 RISC-V 的汽車軟體解決方案的上市時間。」

關於晶心科技 (Andes Technology)
晶心科技股份有限公司于2005年成立於新竹科學園區,2017年於臺灣證交所上市 (TWSE: 6533SIN: US03420C2089ISIN: US03420C1099)。晶心是RISC-V國際協會的創始首席會員,也是第一家推出商用RISC-V向量處理器的主流CPU供應商。為滿足當今電子設備的嚴格要求,晶心提供可配置性高的32/64位元高效能CPU核心,包含DSP、FPU、Vector、超純量  (Superscalar)、亂序執行  (Out-of-Order)、多核心及車用系列,可應用於各式SoC與應用場景。晶心並提供功能齊全的整合開發環境和全面的軟/硬體解決方案,可幫助客戶在短時間內創新其SoC設計。截至2023年底,Andes-Embedded™ SoC累計出貨量已超過140億顆。 欲瞭解更多資訊,請訪問  https://www.andestech.com。請立即透過LinkedInX、 Bilibili以及YouTube追蹤晶心最新消息。

關於 HighTec EDV-Systeme
HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH 位於德國薩爾布呂肯,是全球最大的使用創新開源技術的編譯器商業供應商,提供用於嵌入式軟體開發的ISO 26262 ASIL D 認證工具、即時作業系統PXROS-HR 以及廣泛的軟體開發工具。
HighTec 的ASIL D 合格C/C++ 編譯器適用於汽車和工業領域領先的多核心微控制器,例如Arm®、TriCore™/AURIX™/TRAVEO™ 系列、RISC-V、Power Architecture (PowerPC) 和GTM 架構,並不斷進行調整和優化與晶片合作夥伴密切合作開發新架構。
除了多架構編譯器之外,HighTec 還提供 PXROS-HR,這是一種經過安全認證的多核心 RTOS,適用於具有安全性和多核心要求的應用。 PXROS-HR保證即時環境中的穩健性、安全性、高效能和資料安全。 PXROS-HR 經過 ISO 26262 ASIL D / IEC 61508 SIL 3 認證,並通過工具資格套件作為 ASIL D 開發的補充,作為客戶應用認證的基礎。HighTec 也提供開發、培訓和諮詢服務來補充該產品組合。
HighTec 成立於 1982 年,是一家私人跨國公司,在德國、捷克共和國、荷蘭、匈牙利和中國設有辦事處。有關 HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH 的更多信息,請訪問 www.hightec-rt.com


HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH

Europaallee 19

66113 Saarbrücken/Germany

電話:+49 681 92613-16

電子郵件: info@hightec-rt.com


Catherine Schneider

Mexperts AG

電話:+49 8143 59744-27

電子郵件: catherine.schneider@mexperts.de

Continue ReadingHighTec C/C++ 編譯器套件支援晶心科技 ISO 26262 認證的 RISC-V IP,適用於汽車安全應用

Jmem Tek and Andes Technology Partner on the World’ s First Quantum-Secure RISC-V Chip

Hsinchu, Taiwan – Dec 11, 2024 – Jmem Tek, a specialist in hardware security and post-quantum cryptography for IoT devices, announces a global partnership with Andes Technology, a leading supplier of high efficiency, low-power 32/64-bit RISC-V processor IPs and Founding Premier member of RISC-V International. Jmem Tek also joined the AndeSentry™ security collaborative framework, which offers a range of security solutions for Andes RISC-V processors, designed to counter threats from both cyber-attacks and physical attacks and enhance product security.

Jmem Tek’s PUF-based security chip, designed with Andes compact and efficient N25F RISC-V processor and Jmem Tek’s comprehensive hardware security module IP, is the world’s first NIST post-quantum cryptographic algorithm chip based on RISC-V. This collaboration brings customers an industrial-grade cyber-security solution designed to withstand future quantum computing threats.

The PUF (Physical Unclonable Function) technology in Jmem Tek’s security chip has been independently verified as robust against all known cyberattack mechanisms. PUF generates unique, unforgeable identities and cryptographic keys within microcontrollers and application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) on-demand. These identities and keys create a root-of-trust for the chips, used in IoT devices and edge nodes. PUF eliminates the need for key injection and secure storage, fitting perfectly into the security framework embraced by the RISC-V architecture.

Jmem Tek’s hardware security module IP integrates seamlessly with the AndeSentry™ collaborative security framework, providing secure provisioning, automated onboarding to cloud platforms, security monitoring, and key lifecycle management. With a few keystrokes, customers can securely connect thousands of IoT devices to servers through cryptographic APIs.

John Chang, CEO of Jmem Tek, commented, “We are excited to partner with Andes Technology, one of the leading forces in the RISC-V ecosystem. RISC-V processors provide the foundation for the next generation of IoT devices, and our security solution complements this by ensuring data protection in the face of emerging cybersecurity threats. Together, we are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in secure computing.”

Dr. Charlie Su, president and CTO of Andes added, “As the cyber threat landscape evolves, leading-edge processors must be equipped with leading-edge security. Jmem Tek’s PUF-based security technology is an important addition to our AndeSentry™ collaborative security framework, helping us offer best-in-class security solutions to our RISC-V customers.”

About Jmem Tek
Jmem Tek is a leader in hardware security IP and IC design, specializing in post-quantum cryptography and PUF-based technology. Their solutions protect sensitive data across a variety of industries, including IoT, AIoT, and automotive electronics. Jmem Tek’s security products ensure that companies can secure their devices and data in the quantum era and beyond.
For more information, please visit: www.jmemtek.com , and follow us on LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter).

About Andes Technology
As a Founding Premier member of RISC-V International and a leader in commercial CPU IP, Andes Technology (TWSE: 6533; SIN: US03420C2089; ISIN: US03420C1099) is driving the global adoption of RISC-V.  Andes’ extensive RISC-V Processor IP portfolio spans from ultra-efficient 32-bit CPUs to high-performance 64-bit Out-of-Order multiprocessor coherent clusters. 
With advanced vector processing, DSP capabilities, the powerful Andes Automated Custom Extension (ACE) framework, end-to-end AI hardware/software stack, ISO 26262 certification with full compliance, and a robust software ecosystem, Andes unlocks the full potential of RISC-V, empowering customers to accelerate innovation across AI, automotive, communications, consumer electronics, data centers, and mobile devices.  Over 15 billion Andes-powered SoCs are driving innovations globally.
Discover more at www.andestech.com and connect with Andes on LinkedInX (formerly Twitter)Bilibili and YouTube.

Continue ReadingJmem Tek and Andes Technology Partner on the World’ s First Quantum-Secure RISC-V Chip


作者:Wenbo Yin,TetraMem公司IC設計副總

人工智慧在越來越多的硬體應用中快速擴散,推動了對傳統Von Neumann架構無法滿足專業運算加速的前所未有的需求。在眾多競爭性替代方案中,最有前景的一種方案是類比記憶體運算 (in-memory computing, IMC)。釋放多級Resistive RAM (RRAM) 的潛力讓這一承諾在今天比以往更加真實,矽谷新創公司TetraMem公司引領這一發展,正在解決阻礙此一解決方案發展的根本挑戰。該公司的獨特IMC採用多級RRAM技術,提供更高效、低延遲的AI處理,滿足AR/VR、移動設備、物聯網等現代應用不斷增長的需求。

過去幾十年來,半導體產業取得了顯著進步,特別是在滿足人工智慧和機器學習不斷增長的需求方面。晶片設計的創新突破了性能和效率的界限。然而,一些固有的持續挑戰仍然存在,例如Von Neumann瓶頸和記憶體牆 (memory wall),限制了CPU和記憶體之間的資料傳輸速率,以及與先進節點技術相關的不斷升級的功耗和熱管理問題。


為IMC選擇合適的儲存裝置至關重要。 SRAM和DRAM等傳統記憶體技術由於其裝置和單元限制及其易失性特性,並未針對記憶體中操作進行最佳化。RRAM憑藉其高密度、多級功能和非揮發性以及卓越的保持能力,無需刷新即可克服這些挑戰。RRAM的工作原理是透過控制電壓或電流來調整儲存單元的電阻水平,模仿人類大腦中突觸的行為,此功能使RRAM特別適合類比IMC。

TetraMem專注於多級RRAM(memristor, 記憶阻抗器)技術,與傳統的單級單元儲存技術相比,該技術具有多種優勢。 RRAM能夠在每個單元中存儲多個位元,並在原地執行高效的矩陣乘法運算,這使其成為IMC的理想選擇。該技術解決了傳統數位運算的許多限制,例如帶寬限制和能效不足等問題。

RRAM可程式電路元件會記住其最後的穩定電阻水平,此電阻水平可以透過施加電壓或電流來調節,施加在元件上的電壓和電流的大小和方向變化會改變其導電性,從而改變其電阻率。類似人類神經元的功能,這種機制有多種應用:記憶體、類比神經元,以及TetraMem的記憶體運算IMC。 RRAM的操作由離子驅動,透過控制導電絲的尺寸、離子濃度和高度,可以精確實現不同的單元電阻多級水平。

資料在與儲存相同的實體位置進行處理,中間資料移動和儲存最少,從而實現低功耗。透過具有設備級顆粒核心的交叉陣列架構進行大規模平行運算可產生高吞吐量。通過物理定律(Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s current law, 歐姆定律和基爾霍夫電流定律)進行運算,實現低延遲。TetraMem的非易失性記憶體運算單元相比傳統的數位Von Neumann架構可大幅降低功耗。

TetraMem在RRAM技術的發展中取得了重要的里程碑。值得注意的是,該公司展示了一個前所未有的設備,每個單元具有11 位元,在單個元件中實現了2,000多個訊號等級,這一精度水平代表了記憶運算IMC技術的重大突破。

近期在Nature《1》和Science《2》等著名期刊上發表的文章強調了TetraMem的創新方法。提高單元抗噪聲性能和增強多級訊號IMC運算技術是其重要的進展領域。例如,TetraMem開發了專有算法來抑制隨機電報噪聲 (telegraph noise),從而使 RRAM單元具有更優越的記憶保持和耐久性特徵。

記憶體運算 (IMC) 的運作
TetraMem的IMC技術採用交叉架構,其中陣列中的每個交點對應於一個可編程的RRAM記憶單元。這種配置允許高度並行操作,這對神經網絡計算至關重要。在向量矩陣乘法 (Vector-Matrix Multiplication, VMM) 操作期間,輸入啟動會應用於交叉開關陣列,並且計算結果被收集到位元線上 (bit lines)。這種方法大大減少了在記憶體和處理單元之間傳輸資料的需求,從而提高了計算效率。

TetraMem通過商業晶圓廠製造的首款評估SoC,MX100晶片(見下圖)展示了其IMC技術的實際應用。該晶片已在多個晶片內演示中展示了其能力,展示了其在現實場景中的功能。一個值得注意的演示是瞳孔中心網絡(Pupil Center Net, PCN),展示了該晶片在AR/VR中的應用,用於自動駕駛車輛中的面部追蹤和身份驗證監控。

為了促進其技術的採用,TetraMem提供了全面的軟體開發套件(Software Development Kit , SDK)。此SDK使開發者能夠無縫地定義邊緣AI模型。此外,與晶心科技的NX27V RISC-V CPU及其向量擴展功能的整合簡化了操作,讓客戶更輕鬆地將TetraMem的解決方案部署到其產品中。

TetraMem IMC設計非常適合矩陣乘法,但在向量或標量運算等其他功能上效率不高。這些運算在神經網絡中經常使用,為了支持這些功能,晶心科技提供了 CPU加向量引擎的靈活性,並擁有現有的SoC參考設計以及成熟的編譯器和函式庫,以加快我們的市場推廣時間。

TetraMem與晶心科技合作,將其IMC技術與晶心的RISC-V CPU和向量擴展集成在一起。這一合作提升了整體系統性能,為各種 AI任務提供了強大的平台。結合的解決方案充分利用了兩家公司的優勢,提供了一個靈活且高效的架構。

展望未來,TetraMem準備推出基於 22nm技術的MX200晶片,這款晶片承諾將提供更大的性能和效率。該晶片專為邊緣推理應用而設計,提供低功耗、低延遲的AI處理。MX200預計將開拓新的市場機會,特別是在能源效率至關重要的電池供電的人工智慧設備中。


《1》”在 CMOS上單片整合記憶阻抗器的數千個電導等級”,Nature,2023年3月 https://rdcu.be/c8GWo

《2》“以任意高精度編程記憶阻抗器陣列以進行類比計算”,Science,2024年2月 https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adi9405

Continue ReadingTetraMem將高效能的記憶體運算與晶心RISC-V向量處理器整合

Rivos選擇晶心NX45用於即將推出的高效能RISC-V SoC的控制功能

經過對領先RISC-V核心的廣泛評估後, NX45成為唯一通過 Rivos嚴格驗證流程的RISC-V核心

加利福尼亞州聖荷西 – 2024年 12 月 3 日 – 專注於加速數據分析和生成式AI工作負載的RISC-V主要會員公司Rivos與32/64 位 RISC-V 處理器核心的領先供應商、RISC-V創始會員晶心科技,宣布Rivos已獲得晶心NX45 RISC-V處理器的授權,用於其產品中的關鍵控制功能。

Rivos於2021 年由來自Google、Intel、Apple和PA-Semi的業界資深人士創立,並組建了一支由晶片、軟體和平台工程師組成的世界級團隊,基於內部開發的高端RISC-V CPU打造業界領先的高效能、低功耗、安全的伺服器解決方案。

為了在Rivos的SoC中執行多項關鍵功能的控制和排程,選擇了高度可配置且可擴展的晶心NX45 RISC-V處理器,因為它在效能與效率之間提供了最佳的權衡,同時符合最高的品質標準。

「我們很高興歡迎Rivos Inc. 加入RISC-V社群,並祝他們取得巨大的成功,」 晶心科技總經理暨技術長蘇泓萌博士表示。「我們為Rivos選擇NX45用於他們的專案感到自豪。Rivos選擇晶心是對我們靈活性、開發嚴謹性以及對品質承諾的有力證明。」

「RISC-V生態系統的增長以及客戶吸引力是顯著的,我們很高興能成為這個動態一部分,」 Rivos公司的聯合創辦人兼首席技術長Belli Kuttanna表示。「在評估了多個領先的RISC-V核心後,晶心NX45脫穎而出,成為唯一以零錯誤通過我們專有驗證流程的核心。其強大的配置選項和易於整合的特性,使其成為我們64位控制核心的明確選擇。」


晶心科技已提供全方位的處理解決方案超過19年。2019年推出的AndesCore™ 45系列包含具備有序執行的8級雙發射RISC-V處理器,並提供支持多核心、Linux 和向量處理的選項,以滿足許多高端應用的需求。晶心的客戶受益於完整的產品提供,包括AndeSight™ IDE、晶心自定義擴展™ (ACE)及相關軟體,還有建模、除錯和追蹤工具,以加速他們的SoC開發。

關於Rivos Inc.
Rivos組建了一支世界級的晶片、軟體和平台設計師團隊,實現了基於RISC-V、使用工作負載定義的硬體,構建行業領先的節能、高性能、安全伺服器解決方案的長期願景。Rivos通過一整套優化晶片的完整解決方案,支持大型語言模型和數據分析的高強度需求;這些晶片結合了RISC-V CPU、數據並行加速器,以及參考多晶片OCP模組伺服器和完整的韌體到應用開放軟體堆疊。此外,Rivos正在各個領域招聘工程人才。

晶心科技股份有限公司于2005年成立於新竹科學園區,2017年於臺灣證交所上市 (TWSE: 6533SIN: US03420C2089ISIN: US03420C1099)。晶心是RISC-V國際協會的創始首席會員,也是第一家推出商用RISC-V向量處理器的主流CPU供應商。為滿足當今電子設備的嚴格要求,晶心提供可配置性高的32/64位元高效能CPU核心,包含DSP、FPU、Vector、超純量  (Superscalar)、亂序執行  (Out-of-Order)、多核心及車用系列,可應用於各式SoC與應用場景。晶心並提供功能齊全的整合開發環境和全面的軟/硬體解決方案,可幫助客戶在短時間內創新其SoC設計。截至2023年底,Andes-Embedded™ SoC累計出貨量已超過140億顆。 欲瞭解更多資訊,請訪問  https://www.andestech.com。請立即透過LinkedInX、 Bilibili以及YouTube追蹤晶心最新消息。

Continue ReadingRivos選擇晶心NX45用於即將推出的高效能RISC-V SoC的控制功能

Andes Technology Collaborates with Lauterbach to Deliver RISC-V Trace Solution

HSINCHU, TAIWAN — Nov 26, 2024 — Lauterbach, the leading provider of development tools for embedded systems, and Andes Technology Corporation (TWSE: 6533SIN: US03420C2089ISIN: US03420C1099), a leading supplier of RISC-V processor IP, today proudly announce their collaboration that enhances the debugging and tracing experience for engineers using Andes’ advanced NCETRACE200 trace IP with Lauterbach’s industry leading development tools TRACE32®.

With the growing demand for RISC-V architectures in various applications, the combination of Lauterbach’s TRACE32® tools and Andes’ NCETRACE200 trace solution empowers developers to have deep, non-intrusive trace visibility into their System-on-Chip (SoC) to assist debug & trace, accelerate time-to-market and achieve higher levels of reliability, performance and efficiency in their embedded products.

AndesCore™ NCETRACE200 subsystem is a non-intrusive tracing solution designed for the Andes RISC-V processor portfolio that spans from small, low-power MCUs to high-performance OoO application processors.  Key features include:

  • RISC-V N-Trace compatible trace encoder, timestamp generator and decoder
  • Multi-core tracing, up to 8 RISC-V harts
  • Configurable size Trace Buffer
  • Mixed-ISA environment supported, including compatibility with the CoreSight™ technology by Arm®.
*ARM® and CoreSight™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Limited in the United States and other countries

“We are excited to support Andes Technology trace solution with our TRACE32® tools,” said Norbert Weiss, Managing Director at Lauterbach. “Our collaboration will provide engineers with the tools they need to maximize the potential of their RISC-V designs, fostering innovation and efficiency in embedded systems.” Andes also expressed enthusiasm about the partnership. “Lauterbach is our long-term partner for many years. Working with Lauterbach allows us to deliver a comprehensive debug and trace experience to our customers, further solidifying our position in the embedded systems market,” said Dr. Charlie Su, president and CTO at Andes Technology. “This collaboration will pave the way for innovative developments in the RISC-V landscape, supporting a new generation of embedded solutions.”


About Lauterbach
Lauterbach is the leading manufacturer of cutting-edge development tools for embedded systems with more than 45 years of experience, serving customers all over the world and partnering with all semiconductor manufacturers. The company has played a key role in the RISC-V Foundation working groups that have defined debug and trace standards for RISC-V-based CPUs.
For more information, please visit https://www.lauterbach.com. Follow Lauterbach on LinkedIn and YouTube.

About Andes Technology
Nineteen years in business and a Founding Premier member of RISC-V International, Andes is a publicly-listed company (TWSE: 6533SIN: US03420C2089ISIN: US03420C1099) and a leading supplier of high-performance/low-power 32/64-bit embedded processor IP solutions, and the driving force in taking RISC-V mainstream. Its V5 RISC-V CPU families range from tiny 32-bit cores to advanced 64-bit Out-of-Order processors with DSP, FPU, Vector, Linux, superscalar, functional safety and/or multi/many-core capabilities. By the end of 2023, the cumulative volume of Andes-Embedded™ SoCs has surpassed 14 billion.
For more information, please visit https://www.andestech.com/en/homepage. Follow Andes on TwitterLinkedInYouTube and Facebook.

Continue ReadingAndes Technology Collaborates with Lauterbach to Deliver RISC-V Trace Solution

DeepComputing and Andes Technology Partner to Develop the World’s First RISC-V AI PC with 7nm QiLai SoC, Featuring Ubuntu Desktop

San Jose, CA — Oct 22, 2024DeepComputing, a pioneer in RISC-V innovation, today announced a strategic partnership with Andes Technology Corporation, a leading provider of high-efficiency, low-power 32/64-bit RISC-V processor cores. Together, the two companies collaborate to develop the world’s first RISC-V AI PC, powered by Andes’ 7nm QiLai SoC. This innovated low-power PC will come equipped with Ubuntu Desktop and aims to redefine AI computing by combining industry-leading hardware and software designed specifically for RISC-V.

The collaboration marks a significant milestone in the evolution of AI PCs, which utilize artificial intelligence to enhance productivity, creativity, entertainment, security, and more. The power-efficient RISC-V AI PC, based on the QiLai SoC, integrates a multi-core CPU, vector processor, GPU, and various peripherals for optimal performance, and AI workload handling. This product is designed to cater to developers and enterprises looking for advanced, open-standard RISC-V solutions.

Revolutionizing AI Computing with RISC-V and Andes Technology

The Andes QiLai SoC contains 2 Andes RISC-V processors: a high-performance quad-core  AX45MP cluster and an NX27V vector processor. The AX45MP superscalar multicore is optimized for Linux-based applications by configuring a 2MB Level-2 cache and a Memory Management Unit (MMU). The NX27V vector processor, with a 512-bit vector length and data path width, is specifically designed to handle AI workloads efficiently. Running at up to 2.2 GHz (AX45MP) and 1.5 GHz (NX27V), the QiLai SoC delivers high performance while maintaining low power consumption of approximately 5W at full speed. A configuration of the AX45MP is used in the Renesas RZ/Five MPU while two instances of the NX27V help construct the PE’s (Processing Elements) in the 8×8 PE array of the Meta Training and Inference Accelerator (MTIA).

“We are excited to work with DeepComputing and Canonical for this AI PC project based on our newly-introduced QiLai SoC.” said Frankwell Lin, Chairman and CEO of Andes. “The QiLai leverages TSMC’s 7nm process technology and underscores our commitment to supporting the expansion of the RISC-V ecosystem. As always, Andes continues its position as a pure-play IP provider, not entering the chip business. Andes welcome chip company considering to license QiLai as an SoC IP for production. This AI PC project will demonstrate the power of the RISC-V architecture for general application processing and AI acceleration, and provide a powerful RISC-V platform for application development and processor IP evaluation.”

The World’s First RISC-V AI PC

The RISC-V AI PC developed by DeepComputing and Andes will feature Ubuntu Desktop. In addition, there are a suite of tools and frameworks optimized for AI workloads, including the AndeSight™ toolchains, AndeSoft™ software stacks, and AndesAIRE™ NN SDK, which compiles AI/ML models to executables running on the NX27V vector processor.

The product represents a breakthrough in AI PC design, offering an open and modular approach that caters to the growing RISC-V developer community. Designed for a wide range of use cases, the RISC-V AI PC supports diverse AI-driven applications, from productivity and creativity to gaming and security.

Gordan Markuš, Director of Silicon Alliances at Canonical noted, “We are thrilled to collaborate with DeepComputing and Andes on this groundbreaking project. By equipping the world’s first RISC-V AI PC with Ubuntu Desktop, we’re not only offering a powerful development platform but also enabling a robust, open-source software ecosystem. This partnership will help accelerate the adoption of RISC-V technology and broaden the possibilities for developers and businesses working with AI at the edge.”

Expanding the RISC-V Ecosystem

By offering the world’s first RISC-V AI PC, DeepComputing and Andes aim to accelerate the development of RISC-V-based AI solutions and expand the reach of RISC-V in the broader computing landscape. This collaboration is driven by the growing demand for RISC-V platforms that enable fast software development, evaluation, and deployment.

“We’re excited to partner with Andes Technology on this innovative project,” said Yuning, CEO of DeepComputing. “This partnership aligns with our mission to push the boundaries of RISC-V technologies and provide developers with the tools and platforms they need to shape the future of AI computing.”

The RISC-V AI PC platform will be unveiled at the RISC-V Summit NA 2024, where it will be showcased at the DeepComputing booth. The product will be officially available in early 2025.

About Andes Technology

Nineteen years in business and a Founding Premier member of RISC-V International, Andes is publicly-listed company (TWSE: 6533SIN: US03420C2089ISIN: US03420C1099) and a leading supplier of high-performance/low-power 32/64-bit embedded processor IP solutions, and the driving force in taking RISC-V mainstream. Its V5 RISC-V CPU families range from tiny 32-bit cores to advanced 64-bit Out-of-Order processors with DSP, FPU, Vector, Linux, superscalar, functional safety and/or multi/many-core capabilities. By the end of 2023, the cumulative volume of Andes-Embedded™ SoCs has surpassed 14 billion. For more information, please visit https://www.andestech.com. Follow Andes on LinkedInFacebookXBilibili  and YouTube

About Canonical

Canonical, the publisher of Ubuntu, provides open source security, support and services. Their portfolio covers critical systems, from the smallest devices to the largest clouds, from the kernel to containers, from databases to AI. With customers that include top tech brands, emerging startups, governments and home users, Canonical delivers trusted open source for everyone. Learn more at https://canonical.com/.

About DeepComputing

Formed in 2022 by a group of dedicated RISC-V enthusiasts, DeepComputing is a pioneer in RISC-V innovation, leading the way in connecting developer communities, suppliers, tools and systems with the world of RISC-V. We are committed to advancing the adoption and implementation of RISC-V beyond existing ISA chipsets. Together with a diverse and dedicated array of partners, we are focused on driving development of the RISC-V ecosystem through our DeepComputing laptops, pads, workstations, AI speakers and routers, as well as our BravoMonster autonomous remote-control toys and real-world vehicles.

Continue ReadingDeepComputing and Andes Technology Partner to Develop the World’s First RISC-V AI PC with 7nm QiLai SoC, Featuring Ubuntu Desktop