- Monthly Sales
- Quarterly Results
- Material Information
- 2024
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021 - 2015
2024 Monthly Statement of Sales Revenue(Consolidated)
Monthly | Revenue | Cumulative revenue | ||||
current year | preceding year | Increase/decrease month-on-month against the preceding year (%) | Cumulative revenues – current year | Cumulative revenues – preceding year | Increase/decrease against the preceding period (%) | |
JAN | 76,830 | 62,963 | 22.02% | 76,830 | 62,963 | 22.02% |
FEB | 50,523 | 104,544 | -51.67% | 127,353 | 167,507 | -23.97% |
MAR | 85,785 | 57,589 | 48.96% | 213,138 | 225,096 | -5.31% |
APR | 135,448 | 70,630 | 91.77% | 348,586 | 295,726 | 17.87% |
MAY | 95,132 | 49,751 | 91.22% | 443,718 | 345,477 | 28.44% |
JUN | 47,852 | 58,777 | -18.59% | 491,570 | 404,254 | 21.60% |
JUL | 116,159 | 96,536 | 20.33% | 607,729 | 500,790 | 21.35% |
AUG | 79,221 | 112,776 | -29.75% | 686,950 | 613,566 | 11.96% |
SEP | ||||||
OCT | ||||||
NOV | ||||||
The above numbers have not been audited by Accountant yet.
2023 Monthly Statement of Sales Revenue(Consolidated)
Monthly | Revenue | Cumulative revenue | ||||
current year | preceding year | Increase/decrease month-on-month against the preceding year (%) | Cumulative revenues – current year | Cumulative revenues – preceding year | Increase/decrease against the preceding period (%) | |
JAN | 62,963 | 56,824 | 10.80% | 62,963 | 56,824 | 10.80% |
FEB | 104,544 | 41,567 | 151.51% | 167,507 | 98,391 | 70.25% |
MAR | 57,589 | 112,637 | -48.87% | 225,096 | 211,029 | 6.67% |
APR | 70,630 | 45,193 | 56.29% | 295,726 | 256,221 | 15.42% |
MAY | 49,751 | 50,886 | -2.23% | 345,477 | 307,107 | 12.49% |
JUN | 58,777 | 44,060 | 33.40% | 404,254 | 351,167 | 15.12% |
JUL | 96,536 | 68,706 | 40.51% | 500,790 | 419,873 | 19.27% |
AUG | 112,776 | 86,077 | 31.02% | 613,566 | 505,950 | 21.27% |
SEP | 38,265 | 116,354 | -67.11% | 651,831 | 622,304 | 4.74% |
OCT | 87,927 | 119,422 | -26.37% | 739,758 | 741,726 | -0.27% |
NOV | 131,736 | 116,868 | 12.72% | 871,494 | 858,594 | 1.50% |
DEC | 186,324 | 73,227 | 154.45% | 1,057,818 | 931,821 | 13.52% |
The above numbers have not been audited by Accountant yet.
2022 Monthly Statement of Sales Revenue(Consolidated)
Monthly | Revenue | Cumulative revenue | ||||
current year | preceding year | Increase/decrease month-on-month against the preceding year (%) | Cumulative revenues – current year | Cumulative revenues – preceding year | Increase/decrease against the preceding period (%) | |
JAN | 56,824 | 43,665 | 30.14% | 56,824 | 43,665 | 30.14% |
FEB | 41,567 | 61,503 | -32.41% | 98,391 | 105,168 | -6.44% |
MAR | 112,637 | 45,958 | 145.09% | 211,029 | 151,126 | 39.64% |
APR | 45,193 | 53,911 | -16.17% | 256,221 | 205,037 | 24.96% |
MAY | 50,886 | 60,736 | -16.22% | 307,107 | 265,773 | 15.55% |
JUN | 44,060 | 92,723 | -52.48% | 351,167 | 358,496 | -2.04% |
JUL | 68,706 | 56,370 | 21.88% | 419,873 | 414,866 | 1.21% |
AUG | 86,077 | 89,247 | -3.55% | 505,950 | 504,114 | 0.36% |
SEP | 116,354 | 46,610 | 149.63% | 622,304 | 550,724 | 13.00% |
OCT | 119,422 | 76,540 | 56.03% | 741,726 | 627,263 | 18.25% |
NOV | 116,868 | 55,093 | 112.13% | 858,594 | 682,356 | 25.83% |
DEC | 73,227 | 137,422 | -46.71% | 931,821 | 819,778 | 13.67% |
The above numbers have not been audited by Accountant yet.
2021 Monthly Statement of Sales Revenue(Consolidated)
Monthly | Revenue | Cumulative revenue | ||||
Current month revenues | Preceding month revenues | Increase/decrease month-on-month against the preceding year (%) | Cumulative revenues – current year | Cumulative revenues – preceding year | Increase/decrease against the preceding period (%) | |
JAN | 43,665 | 26,991 | 61.78% | 43,665 | 26,991 | 61.78% |
FEB | 61,503 | 57,086 | 7.74% | 105,168 | 84,077 | 25.09% |
MAR | 45,958 | 21,785 | 110.96% | 151,126 | 105,862 | 42.76% |
APR | 53,911 | 43,581 | 23.70% | 205,037 | 149,443 | 37.20% |
MAY | 60,736 | 36,039 | 68.53% | 265,773 | 185,482 | 43.29% |
JUN | 92,723 | 22,177 | 318.10% | 358,496 | 207,659 | 72.64% |
JUL | 56,370 | 30,285 | 86.13% | 414,866 | 237,944 | 74.35% |
AUG | 89,247 | 28,124 | 217.33% | 504,114 | 266,068 | 89.47% |
SEP | 46,610 | 46,359 | 1.00% | 550,724 | 312,427 | 76.00% |
OCT | 76,540 | 66,677 | 14.79% | 627,263 | 379,104 | 65.46% |
NOV | 55,093 | 74,960 | -26.50% | 682,356 | 454,064 | 50.28% |
DEC | 137,422 | 126,948 | 8.25% | 819,778 | 581,012 | 41.09% |
The above numbers have not been audited by Accountant yet.
2020 Monthly Statement of Sales Revenue(Consolidated)
Monthly | Revenue | Cumulative revenue | ||||
Current month revenues | Preceding month revenues | Increase/decrease month-on-month against the preceding year (%) | Cumulative revenues – current year | Cumulative revenues – preceding year | Increase/decrease against the preceding period (%) | |
JAN | 26,991 | 26,582 | 1.54% | 26,991 | 26,582 | 1.54% |
FEB | 57,086 | 29,798 | 91.58% | 84,077 | 56,380 | 49.13% |
MAR | 21,785 | 22,006 | -1.00% | 105,862 | 78,386 | 35.05% |
APR | 43,581 | 35,058 | 24.31% | 149,443 | 113,444 | 31.73% |
MAY | 36,039 | 50,643 | -28.84% | 185,482 | 164,086 | 13.04% |
JUN | 22,177 | 69,710 | -68.19% | 207,659 | 233,796 | -11.18% |
JUL | 30,285 | 40,529 | -25.28% | 237,944 | 274,325 | -13.26% |
AUG | 28,124 | 22,289 | 26.18% | 266,068 | 296,614 | -10.30% |
SEP | 46,359 | 65,033 | -28.71% | 312,427 | 361,647 | -13.61% |
OCT | 66,677 | 51,407 | 29.70% | 379,104 | 413,054 | -8.22% |
NOV | 74,960 | 43,095 | 73.94% | 454,064 | 456,149 | -0.46% |
DEC | 126,948 | 38,702 | 228.01% | 581,012 | 494,851 | 17.41% |
The above numbers have not been audited by Accountant yet.
2019 Monthly Statement of Sales Revenue(Consolidated)
Monthly | Revenue | Cumulative revenue | ||||
Current month revenues | Preceding month revenues | Increase/decrease month-on-month against the preceding year (%) | Cumulative revenues – current year | Cumulative revenues – preceding year | Increase/decrease against the preceding period (%) | |
JAN | 26,582 | 10,775 | 146.70% | 26,582 | 10,775 | 146.70% |
FEB | 29,798 | 11,588 | 157.15% | 56,380 | 22,363 | 152.11% |
MAR | 22,006 | 12,318 | 78.65% | 78,386 | 34,681 | 126.02% |
APR | 35,058 | 21,800 | 60.82% | 113,444 | 56,481 | 100.85% |
MAY | 50,643 | 21,827 | 132.02% | 164,086 | 78,308 | 109.54% |
JUN | 69,710 | 44,459 | 56.80% | 233,796 | 122,768 | 90.44% |
JUL | 40,529 | 20,048 | 102.16% | 274,325 | 142,816 | 92.08% |
AUG | 22,289 | 10,629 | 109.70% | 296,614 | 153,445 | 93.30% |
SEP | 65,033 | 25,688 | 153.16% | 361,647 | 179,132 | 101.89% |
OCT | 51,407 | 40,215 | 27.83% | 413,054 | 219,347 | 88.31% |
NOV | 43,095 | 33,945 | 26.96% | 456,149 | 253,293 | 80.09% |
DEC | 38,702 | 51,463 | -24.80% | 494,851 | 304,756 | 62.38% |
The above numbers have not been audited by Accountant yet.
2018 Monthly Statement of Sales Revenue(Consolidated)
Monthly | 2018 | 2019 | Increase/(Decrease)% | |||
As of The End of This Month | Accumulated | As of The End of This Month | Accumulated | As of The End of This Month | Accumulated | |
JAN | 27,629 | 27,629 | 10,775 | 10,775 | -61.00 | -61.00 |
FEB | 22,051 | 49,680 | 11,588 | 22,363 | -47.45 | -54.99 |
MAR | 31,880 | 81,560 | 12,318 | 34,681 | -61.36 | -57.48 |
APR | 30,188 | 111,748 | 21,800 | 56,481 | -27.79 | -49.46 |
MAY | 29,945 | 141,693 | 21,827 | 78,308 | -27.11 | -44.73 |
JUN | 23,495 | 165,188 | 44,459 | 122,768 | 89.23 | -25.68 |
JUL | 25,710 | 190,898 | 20,048 | 142,816 | -22.02 | -25.19 |
AUG | 21,678 | 212,576 | 10,629 | 153,445 | -50.97 | -27.82 |
SEP | 19,767 | 232,343 | 25,688 | 179,132 | 29.95 | -22.90 |
OCT | 14,446 | 246,789 | 40,215 | 219,347 | 178.38 | -11.12 |
NOV | 27,380 | 274,169 | 33,945 | 253,293 | 23.98 | -7.61 |
DEC | 15,208 | 289,377 | 51,463 | 304,756 | 238.39 | 5.31 |
The above numbers have not been audited by Accountant yet.
2017 Monthly Statement of Sales Revenue(Consolidated)
Monthly | 2016 | 2017 | Increase/(Decrease)% | |||
As of The End of This Month | Accumulated | As of The End of This Month | Accumulated | As of The End of This Month | Accumulated | |
JAN | 13,334 | 13,334 | 27,629 | 27,629 | 107.21 | 107.21 |
FEB | 9,365 | 22,700 | 22,051 | 49,680 | 135.46 | 118.85 |
MAR | 10,890 | 33,589 | 31,880 | 81,560 | 192.75 | 142.82 |
APR | 8,535 | 42,124 | 30,188 | 111,748 | 253.70 | 165.28 |
MAY | 10,340 | 52,464 | 29,945 | 141,693 | 189.60 | 170.08 |
JUN | 13,729 | 66,193 | 23,495 | 165,188 | 71.13 | 149.56 |
JUL | 15,035 | 81,228 | 25,710 | 190,898 | 71.00 | 135.02 |
AUG | 20,162 | 101,390 | 21,678 | 212,576 | 7.52 | 109.66 |
SEP | 22,303 | 123,693 | 19,767 | 232,343 | -11.37 | 87.84 |
OCT | 22,125 | 145,818 | 14,446 | 246,789 | -34.71 | 69.24 |
NOV | 28,288 | 174,106 | 27,380 | 274,169 | -3.21 | 57.47 |
DEC | 34,529 | 208,635 | 15,208 | 289,377 | -55.96 | 38.70 |
The above numbers have not been audited by Accountant yet.
2016 Monthly Statement of Sales Revenue(Consolidated)
Monthly | 2015 | 2016 | Increase/(Decrease)% | |||
As of The End of This Month | Accumulated | As of The End of This Month | Accumulated | As of The End of This Month | Accumulated | |
JAN | 19,017 | 19,017 | 13,334 | 13,334 | (29.88) | (29.88) |
FEB | 22,700 | 41,405 | 9,365 | 22,388 | (58.17) | (45.18) |
MAR | 18,550 | 59,955 | 10,890 | 33,589 | (41.29) | (43.98) |
APR | 18,168 | 78,123 | 8,535 | 42,124 | (53.02) | (46.08) |
MAY | 14,272 | 92,395 | 10,340 | 52,464 | (27.55) | (43.22) |
JUN | 23,057 | 115,452 | 13,729 | 66,193 | (40.46) | (42.67) |
JUL | 18,262 | 133,714 | 15,035 | 81,262 | (17.67) | (39.25) |
AUG | 16,950 | 150,664 | 20,162 | 101,390 | 18.95 | (32.70) |
SEP | 9,500 | 160,164 | 22,303 | 123,693 | 134.77 | (22.77) |
OCT | 14,206 | 174,370 | 22,125 | 145,818 | 55.74 | (16.37) |
NOV | 11,458 | 185,828 | 28,288 | 174,106 | 146.88 | (6.31) |
DEC | 33,095 | 218,923 | 34,529 | 208,635 | 4.33 | (4.70) |
The above numbers have not been audited by Accountant yet.
2015 Monthly Statement of Sales Revenue(Consolidated)
Monthly | .2014 | .2015 | Increase/(Decrease)% | |||
As of The End of This Month | Accumulated | As of The End of This Month | Accumulated | As of The End of This Month | Accumulated | |
JAN | ||||||
FEB | ||||||
MAR | ||||||
APR | 15,347 | 60,591 | 18,168 | 78,123 | 18.38 | 28.93 |
MAY | 16,619 | 77,210 | 14,272 | 92,395 | (14.12) | 19.67 |
JUN | 20,310 | 97,520 | 23,057 | 115,452 | 13.53 | 18.39 |
JUL | 15,436 | 112,956 | 18,262 | 133,714 | 18.31 | 18.38 |
AUG | 16,111 | 129,067 | 16,950 | 150,664 | 5.21 | 16.73 |
SEP | 16,081 | 145,148 | 9,500 | 160,164 | (40.92) | 10.35 |
OCT | 7,547 | 152,695 | 14,206 | 174,370 | 88.23 | 14.19 |
NOV | 16,943 | 169,638 | 11,458 | 185,828 | (32.37) | 9.54 |
DEC | 20,787 | 190,425 | 33,095 | 218,923 | 59.21 | 14.97 |
The above numbers have not been audited by Accountant yet.
Financial Statements
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