Andes晶心宣布推出 AndesCore® AX66 支持 RVA23、Multi-Cluster架构、虚拟机以及 Android 系统

2025123 Andes晶心科技(Andes Technology)作为高效能、低功耗、32/64位RISC-V处理器核的领先供货商及RISC-V国际组织的创始顶级会员,今日宣布推出支持RVA23规范的AndesCore® AX66乱序超纯量多核处理器IP。AX66是高效能乱序AX60系列的第二款成员。基于AX65的成功设计,AX66拥有相同的13级流水线、4宽译码以及8宽乱序执行,并引入了许多新功能,包括向量和向量加密支持、虚拟机和AIA、Multi-Cluster支持接口(CHI)以及RVA23规范支持。AX66在性能扩展性、多媒体、安全性及虚拟化方面的多样化能力,使其成为高效能Linux和Android应用中理想的主处理器,适用于边缘/数据中心AI、信息娱乐、高档家电、网络及影像/摄影应用等。

AX66的SpecInt2006效能相比第一代AX65提升了超过15%。每个核拥有64KB的私有L1指令和数据缓存,并且拥有高达1MB的私有L2缓存,而每个cluster包含多达8个核及最多32MB的共享L3缓存。除了AX65已具备的IO一致性接口外,AX66还增加了支持Multi-Cluster一致性的CHI(Coherence Hub Interface)接口。透过CHI接口的支持,我们可以在同一个缓存一致性域中使用更多AX66 CPU共同工作。结合虚拟机、AIA和选配的IOMMU技术,AX66能够完全虚拟化整个Multi-Cluster CPU子系统,以进行资源共享和安全性保障。此外,AX66支持RISC-V标准的外部调试和指令追踪接口,以促进快速的系统开发、分析和调试。


AndesCore® AX66 已于2024年第四季通过早期使用者计划提供给前期客户,并将于2025年向一般客户推出。如需有关AX66及AX60系列处理器的更多信息,请联络Andes晶心科技。

Andes晶心科技股份有限公司于2005年成立于新竹科学园区,2017年于台湾证交所上市 (TWSE: 6533SIN: US03420C2089ISIN: US03420C1099)。Andes晶心是RISC-V国际协会的创始首席会员,也是第一家推出商用RISC-V向量处理器的主流CPU供货商。为满足当今电子设备的严格要求,Andes晶心提供可配置性高的32/64位高效能CPU核,包含DSP、FPU、Vector、超纯量  (Superscalar)、乱序执行  (Out-of-Order)、多核心及车用系列,可应用于各式SoC与应用场景。Andes晶心提供功能齐全的整合开发环境和全面的软/硬件解决方案,可帮助客户在短时间内创新其SoC设计。截至2024年底,Andes-Embedded™ SoC累计出货量已超过160亿颗。更多关于Andes晶心的信息,请参考晶心官网 。订阅Andes晶心微信公众号AndesTech及Bilibili获得最新消息!

Continue ReadingAndes晶心宣布推出 AndesCore® AX66 支持 RVA23、Multi-Cluster架构、虚拟机以及 Android 系统

Andes晶心科技发表 D45-SE RISC-V 处理器 锁定 ASIL-D功能安全等级最高的认证

台湾新竹20241226 – Andes晶心科技(TWSE:6533; SIN US03420C2089; ISIN: US03420C1099)是全球高效能、低功耗 32/64 位 RISC-V 处理器的领导厂商,也是 RISC-V International 的创始高级会员,今天宣布推出其领先行业的AndesCore® D45-SE功能安全 RISC-V 处理器,该处理器以获得 ISO 26262 ASIL-D(汽车安全完整性D级)认证为目的。

D45-SE 与已有经过量产考验的D45 系出同源,是一款 32 位、8 级双发射处理器,支持 RISC-V GCBP 扩展: 包括单/双精度浮点数、16 位指令压缩、位操作、SIMD/DSP (草案版本) 以及Andes晶心自有的性能增强扩展指令集。此外,它还集成了许多强化功能安全的机制,例如双核锁步 (DCLS),此为一个实时诊断安全电路,利用额外的处理器和一组比较器来增强诊断覆盖率; ECC 用于内存软错误保护; 用于确保总线数据及地址传输正确性的总线保护机制; 内核中断状态总线接口,用于指示处理器内部的错误实时状态信息; 以及 StackSafe™,一种保护堆栈的硬件机制。 此外在性能方面D45-SE保持与 D45 相同出色的6.12 Coremark/MHz。通过这些安全增强功能,D45-SE 可确保容错能力,满足对安全应用的严格要求。

此外,它还支持拆分模式 (Split-mode),允许两个内核在配置拆分锁时可独立运行。该处理器还提供全面的功能安全支持文文件,帮助客户将安全功能整合到他们的产品设计中并满足 ISO 26262 合规性。D45-SE 标志着一个里程碑,突显了Andes晶心致力于为汽车产业及其他领域提供领先业界的关键任务解决方案的承诺。

「我们很高兴地宣布推出 D45-SE,这是一款高性能 RISC-V 处理器,旨在提供卓越的安全性和可靠性。这证明了我们致力于提供高安全可靠的处理器解决方案,」 Andes晶心科技董事长暨执行长林志明表示。「这一成就反映了我们对支持汽车产业追求更高安全标准和创新的持续承诺。」

Andes晶心科技股份有限公司于2005年成立于新竹科学园区,2017年于台湾证交所上市 (TWSE: 6533SIN: US03420C2089ISIN: US03420C1099)。Andes晶心是RISC-V国际协会的创始首席会员,也是第一家推出商用RISC-V向量处理器的主流CPU供货商。为满足当今电子设备的严格要求,Andes晶心提供可配置性高的32/64位高效能CPU核,包含DSP、FPU、Vector、超纯量  (Superscalar)、乱序执行  (Out-of-Order)、多核心及车用系列,可应用于各式SoC与应用场景。Andes晶心提供功能齐全的整合开发环境和全面的软/硬件解决方案,可帮助客户在短时间内创新其SoC设计。截至2023年底,Andes-Embedded™ SoC累计出货量已超过140亿颗。 更多关于Andes晶心的信息,请参考晶心官网 。订阅Andes晶心微信公众号AndesTech及Bilibili获得最新消息!

Continue ReadingAndes晶心科技发表 D45-SE RISC-V 处理器 锁定 ASIL-D功能安全等级最高的认证

Andes Technology Partners with ProvenRun to Strengthen RISC-V Trusted Execution Environment

Taipei, TaiwanDec. 18, 2024 – Andes Technology Corporation (TWSE: 6533), the leading supplier of RISC-V processor IP, and ProvenRun, the leading secure OS vendor for connected vehicles and smart devices, announce their partnership to offer ProvenRun’s formally proven Secure OS and Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) on Andes’ RISC-V processors.

As security threats increase, device and data protection is critical for consumers and governments alike. Preventing information leaks and safeguarding systems from misuse requires embedded systems and IoT devices to integrate advanced security features.  Hardware and software isolation, in particular, is essential to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information in device memory.

Andes Technology has played a central role in enhancing RISC-V security standards, having chaired RISC-V International’s IOPMP (IO Physical Memory Protection) task group and co-chaired the TEE (Trusted Execution Environment) task group.  These efforts resulted in the IOPMP specification that provides the hardware isolation mechanisms needed to secure hardware, as well as a secure monitor and TEE to use this hardware to allow OS and applications to run protected from each other and malicious code.

ProvenRun’s ProvenCore is the only OS certified at ISO/IEC 15408 Common Criteria Evaluation Assurance Level 7 (EAL7) – the highest recognized level of security assurance, achieved through rigorous testing, analysis, and formal methods.  It is suitable for the high-risk, mission-critical environments, including critical infrastructure, financial systems, automotive, aerospace, and defense.

Through this partnership, Andes and ProvenRun bring to market a highly secure platform running ProvenRun’s Common Criteria EAL7-certified TEE and OS on a system that integrates Andes IOPMP with Andes RISC-V processors.

“ProvenRun offers the most secure TEE and OS on the market today for ARM and now RISC-V architectures,” said Thierry Chesnais, ProvenRun CEO.  “Andes leadership in RISC-V security task groups and broad portfolio of RISC-V IP, makes them a natural partner to deploy ProvenCore for highly secure environments.”

“Andes RISC-V IOPMP IPs bring unique and competitive security advantages to our customers using RISC-V processors,” said Samuel Chiang, marketing director of Andes Technology. “Our partnership with ProvenRun allows us to deliver robust solutions for customers developing trusted execution environment products. We are excited to work with ProvenRun as they introduce the benefits of ProvenCore to the RISC-V community, enhancing the performance and resilience of security-focused RISC-V applications.”

About Andes Technology
As a Founding Premier member of RISC-V International and a leader in commercial CPU IP, Andes Technology (TWSE: 6533; SIN: US03420C2089; ISIN: US03420C1099) is driving the global adoption of RISC-V.  Andes’ extensive RISC-V Processor IP portfolio spans from ultra-efficient 32-bit CPUs to high-performance 64-bit Out-of-Order multiprocessor coherent clusters. 
With advanced vector processing, DSP capabilities, the powerful Andes Automated Custom Extension (ACE) framework, end-to-end AI hardware/software stack, ISO 26262 certification with full compliance, and a robust software ecosystem, Andes unlocks the full potential of RISC-V, empowering customers to accelerate innovation across AI, automotive, communications, consumer electronics, data centers, and mobile devices.  Over 15 billion Andes-powered SoCs are driving innovations globally.
Discover more at and connect with Andes on LinkedInX (formerly Twitter)Bilibili and YouTube.

About ProvenRun
ProvenRun provides the most secure foundation for smart connected devices at the chip, device, edge and cloud levels. With unparalleled experience in formal methods and security applications, ProvenRun’s operating systems and trusted applications run on MCU/MPUs for both ARM and RISC-V, and resolve the challenges arising from the IoT revolution while dramatically improving the protection against remote cyberattacks. Carmakers and IoT device builders can attain best-in-class cybersecurity, develop and certify applications faster, get ahead of future regulatory requirements and dramatically reduce their lifecycle maintenance costs. For more information, please visit Follow ProvenRun on LinkedIn.

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HighTec C/C++ 编译器套件支持Andes晶心科技 ISO 26262 认证的 RISC-V IP,适用于汽车安全应用

德国萨尔布吕肯 (Saarbrücken/Germany) —  2024年12月12日 —  汽车编译器解决方案领先供货商HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH宣布其针对汽车市场的高度优化C/C++编译器支持Andes晶心科技的RISC-V IP。这项支持对汽车软件开发人员来说是一个里程碑,因为HighTec的编译器现在无缝支持Andes晶心功能安全认证的RISC-V内核,以确保汽车处理器的优化代码生成,提高效率和性能。

Andes晶心致力于通过符合 ISO 26262 标准的 AndesCore™ RISC-V IP、软件和开发工具提供最先进的汽车解决方案。2022年,Andes晶心科技推出业界首款通过完全符合 ASIL-B 认证的 RISC-V CPU IP N25F-SE,在此成就的基础上,Andes晶心扩展了安全增强型(Safety Enhance, SE)系列,包括支持数字信号处理器(DSP)的ASIL-B D25F-SE、精简且安全的ASIL-D D23-SE、高性能ASIL-D D45-SE,以及后续推出的针对先进驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)和车载信息娱乐系统(IVI)应用的60-SE系列。Andes晶心科技凭借经过认证的 RISC-V IP 以及由 ISO 26262 合格工具和软件组成的强大生态系统,帮助客户的最终产品获得 ISO 26262 认证。SE (Safety Enhance)内核提供灵活性、可扩展性、安全性和卓越的性能,以满足现代汽车应用的多样化需求。

HighTec C/C++编译器建立在现代低层次虚拟机(Low Level Virtual Machine, LLVM)开源技术之上,确保Andes晶心RISC-V IP性能的最佳利用,使汽车软件开发人员能够实现更快、更高效的代码执行。HighTec的编译器以其快速构建时间而闻名,能够生成高度密集且可靠的代码。开发人员特别看重Clang前端,因为它提供了广泛的分析选项。HighTec的C/C++编译器经过ASILD(最高功能安全等级)认证,包含一个认证工具包,可以简化安全关键应用程序的开发和认证,帮助汽车软件开发人员加快认证流程。

Andes晶心科技总经理暨首席技术官苏泓萌博士表示:「20多年来,HighTec一直致力于推动汽车产业的发展,是全球首批获得ASIL认证的编译器供货商之一。我们很高兴将HighTec添加到Andes晶心科技的汽车生态系中。这款最新的C/C++编译器为我们的客户带来了巨大的价值,为他们提供了一个经过ISO 26262认证的差异化RISC-V开发环境,从而提高了代码效率和性能。」

HighTec首席技术官 Mario Cupelli表示:「Andes晶心提供完全符合 ISO 26262 的 RISC-V IP 的领先产品组合,我们很高兴加入他们的生态系统。HighTec的汽车编译器将全面致力于Andes晶心 RISC-V IP 生命周期支持。汽车客户可以快速追踪合规工作并提高安全关键型 RISC-V 应用的性能和稳健性,从而加快基于 RISC-V 的汽车软件解决方案的上市时间。」

关于Andes晶心科技(Andes Technology)
Andes晶心科技股份有限公司于2005年成立于新竹科学园区,2017年于台湾证交所上市 (TWSE: 6533SIN: US03420C2089ISIN: US03420C1099)。Andes晶心是RISC-V国际协会的创始首席会员,也是第一家推出商用RISC-V向量处理器的主流CPU供货商。为满足当今电子设备的严格要求,Andes晶心提供可配置性高的32/64位高效能CPU核,包含DSP、FPU、Vector、超纯量  (Superscalar)、乱序执行  (Out-of-Order)、多核及车用系列,可应用于各式SoC与应用场景。Andes晶心提供功能齐全的整合开发环境和全面的软/硬件解决方案,可帮助客户在短时间内创新其SoC设计。截至2023年底,Andes-Embedded™ SoC累计出货量已超过140亿颗。 更多关于Andes晶心的信息,请参考晶心官网 。订阅Andes晶心微信公众号AndesTech及Bilibili获得最新消息!

关于 HighTec EDV-Systeme
HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH位于德国萨尔布吕肯,是全球最大的使用创新开源技术的编译器商业供货商,提供用于嵌入式软件开发的 ISO 26262 ASIL D 认证工具、实时操作系统 PXROS-HR 以及广泛的软件开发工具。
HighTec 的 ASIL D 合格 C/C++ 编译器适用于汽车和工业领域领先的多核微控制器,例如 Arm®、TriCore™/AURIX™/TRAVEO™ 系列、RISC-V、Power Architecture (PowerPC) 和 GTM 架构,并不断进行调整和优化,与芯片合作伙伴密切合作开发新架构。
除了多架构编译器之外,HighTec 还提供 PXROS-HR,这是一种经过安全认证的多核 RTOS,适用于具有安全性和多核要求的应用。PXROS-HR 保证实时环境中的稳健性、安全性、高性能和数据安全。PXROS-HR 经过 ISO 26262 ASIL D / IEC 61508 SIL 3 认证,并通过工具资格套件作为 ASIL D 开发的补充,作为客户应用认证的基础。HighTec 还提供开发、培训和咨询服务来补充该产品组合。
HighTec 成立于 1982 年,是一家私人跨国公司,在德国、捷克共和国、荷兰、匈牙利和中国设有办事处。有关 HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH的更多信息,请访问


HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH

Europaallee 19

66113 Saarbrücken/Germany

电话:+49 681 92613-16



Catherine Schneider

Mexperts AG

电话:+49 8143 59744-27


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Jmem Tek and Andes Technology Partner on the World’ s First Quantum-Secure RISC-V Chip

Hsinchu, Taiwan – Dec 11, 2024 – Jmem Tek, a specialist in hardware security and post-quantum cryptography for IoT devices, announces a global partnership with Andes Technology, a leading supplier of high efficiency, low-power 32/64-bit RISC-V processor IPs and Founding Premier member of RISC-V International. Jmem Tek also joined the AndeSentry™ security collaborative framework, which offers a range of security solutions for Andes RISC-V processors, designed to counter threats from both cyber-attacks and physical attacks and enhance product security.

Jmem Tek’s PUF-based security chip, designed with Andes compact and efficient N25F RISC-V processor and Jmem Tek’s comprehensive hardware security module IP, is the world’s first NIST post-quantum cryptographic algorithm chip based on RISC-V. This collaboration brings customers an industrial-grade cyber-security solution designed to withstand future quantum computing threats.

The PUF (Physical Unclonable Function) technology in Jmem Tek’s security chip has been independently verified as robust against all known cyberattack mechanisms. PUF generates unique, unforgeable identities and cryptographic keys within microcontrollers and application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) on-demand. These identities and keys create a root-of-trust for the chips, used in IoT devices and edge nodes. PUF eliminates the need for key injection and secure storage, fitting perfectly into the security framework embraced by the RISC-V architecture.

Jmem Tek’s hardware security module IP integrates seamlessly with the AndeSentry™ collaborative security framework, providing secure provisioning, automated onboarding to cloud platforms, security monitoring, and key lifecycle management. With a few keystrokes, customers can securely connect thousands of IoT devices to servers through cryptographic APIs.

John Chang, CEO of Jmem Tek, commented, “We are excited to partner with Andes Technology, one of the leading forces in the RISC-V ecosystem. RISC-V processors provide the foundation for the next generation of IoT devices, and our security solution complements this by ensuring data protection in the face of emerging cybersecurity threats. Together, we are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in secure computing.”

Dr. Charlie Su, president and CTO of Andes added, “As the cyber threat landscape evolves, leading-edge processors must be equipped with leading-edge security. Jmem Tek’s PUF-based security technology is an important addition to our AndeSentry™ collaborative security framework, helping us offer best-in-class security solutions to our RISC-V customers.”

About Jmem Tek
Jmem Tek is a leader in hardware security IP and IC design, specializing in post-quantum cryptography and PUF-based technology. Their solutions protect sensitive data across a variety of industries, including IoT, AIoT, and automotive electronics. Jmem Tek’s security products ensure that companies can secure their devices and data in the quantum era and beyond.
For more information, please visit: , and follow us on LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter).

About Andes Technology
As a Founding Premier member of RISC-V International and a leader in commercial CPU IP, Andes Technology (TWSE: 6533; SIN: US03420C2089; ISIN: US03420C1099) is driving the global adoption of RISC-V.  Andes’ extensive RISC-V Processor IP portfolio spans from ultra-efficient 32-bit CPUs to high-performance 64-bit Out-of-Order multiprocessor coherent clusters. 
With advanced vector processing, DSP capabilities, the powerful Andes Automated Custom Extension (ACE) framework, end-to-end AI hardware/software stack, ISO 26262 certification with full compliance, and a robust software ecosystem, Andes unlocks the full potential of RISC-V, empowering customers to accelerate innovation across AI, automotive, communications, consumer electronics, data centers, and mobile devices.  Over 15 billion Andes-powered SoCs are driving innovations globally.
Discover more at and connect with Andes on LinkedInX (formerly Twitter)Bilibili and YouTube.

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作者:Wenbo Yin,TetraMem公司IC设计副总

人工智能在越来越多的硬件应用中快速发展,推动了对传统冯·诺依曼架构无法满足专业计算加速的前所未有的需求。在众多竞争性替代方案中,最有前景的一种方案是模拟存内运算(In-Memory Computing, IMC)。释放多级阻变存储器(RRAM)的潜力,让这一承诺在今天比以往更加真实,硅谷新创公司TetraMem引领这一发展,正在解决阻碍这一解决方案发展的根本挑战。该公司的独特IMC采用多级RRAM技术,提供更高效、低延迟的AI处理,满足AR/VR、移动设备、物联网等现代应用不断增长的需求。

过去几十年来,半导体产业取得了显著进步,特别是在满足人工智能和机器学习不断增长的需求方面。芯片设计的创新突破了性能和效率的界限,然而,一些固有的持续挑战仍然存在,例如冯·诺依曼瓶颈和存储墙(memory wall),限制了CPU和内存之间的数据传输速率,以及与先进节点技术相关的不断升级的功耗和热管理问题。







近期在Nature《1》和Science《2》等著名期刊上发表的文章强调了TetraMem的创新方法。提高单元噪声性能和增强多级信息IMC运算技术是其重要的进展领域。例如,TetraMem开发了专有算法来抑制随机电报噪声(telegraph noise),从而使RRAM单元具有更优越的记忆保持和耐久性特征。

TetraMem的IMC技术采用交叉架构,其中阵列中的每个交点对应于一个可编程的RRAM存储单元。这种配置允许高度并行操作,这对神经网络计算至关重要。在向量矩阵乘法(Vector-Matrix Multiplication, VMM)操作期间,输入信号会应用于交叉开关阵列,计算结果被收集到位线(bit lines)上。这种方法大大减少了在存储和处理单元之间传输数据的需求,从而提高了计算效率。

TetraMem通过商业晶圆厂制造的首款评估SoC,MX100芯片(见下图)展示了其IMC技术的实际应用。该芯片已在多个芯片内演示中展示了其能力,展示了其在现实场景中的功能。一个值得注意的演示是瞳孔中心网络(Pupil Center Net, PCN),展示了该芯片在AR/VR中的应用,用于自动驾驶车辆中的面部追踪和身份验证监控。

为了促进其技术的采用,TetraMem提供了全面的软件开发套件(Software Development Kit, SDK)。此SDK使开发者能够无缝地定义边缘AI模型。此外,与Andes晶心科技的NX27V RISC-V CPU及其向量扩展功能的整合简化了操作,让客户更轻松地将TetraMem的解决方案部署到其产品中。


TetraMem与Andes晶心科技合作,将其IMC技术与Andes晶心的RISC-V CPU和向量扩展集成在一起。这一合作提升了整体系统性能,为各种AI任务提供了强大的平台。结合的解决方案充分利用了两家公司优势,提供了一个灵活且高效的架构。





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Rivos选择Andes晶心NX45用于即将推出的高性能RISC-V SoC的控制功能


加利福尼亚州圣荷西 – 2024年 12 月 3 日 – 专注于加速数据分析和生成式AI工作负载的RISC-V主要会员公司Rivos与32/64位RISC-V处理器內核的领先供货商、RISC-V创始会员Andes晶心科技,宣布Rivos已获得Andes晶心NX45 RISC-V处理器的授权,用于其产品中的关键控制功能。

Rivos成立于2021年,由来自Google、Intel、Apple和PA-Semi的业界资深人士创立,并组建了一支由芯片、软件和平台工程师组成的世界级团队,基于内部开发的高端RISC-V CPU打造业界领先的高性能、低功耗、安全的服务器解决方案。

为了在Rivos的SoC中执行多项关键功能的控制和调度,Rivos选择了高度可配置且可扩展的Andes晶心NX45 RISC-V处理器,因为它在性能与效率之间做了最好的权衡,同时符合最高的质量标准。

「我们很高兴欢迎Rivos Inc.加入RISC-V社区,并祝他们取得巨大的成功,」Andes晶心科技总经理暨首席技术官苏泓萌博士表示。「我们为Rivos选择NX45用于他们的项目感到自豪。Rivos选择Andes晶心是对我们灵活性、开发严谨性以及对质量承诺的有力证明。」

「RISC-V生态系统的增长以及客户吸引力是显著的,我们很高兴能成为这个生态的一部分,」Rivos公司的联合创办人兼首席技术官Belli Kuttanna表示。「在评估了多个领先的RISC-V內核后,Andes晶心NX45脱颖而出,成为唯一以零错误通过我们专有认证流程的內核。NX45强大的配置选项和易于集成的特性,使其成为我们64位控制內核的明确选择。」


Andes晶心科技已提供全方位的处理解决方案超过19年,2019年推出的AndesCore® 45系列包含具备有序执行的8级双发射RISC-V处理器,并提供支持多內核、Linux和向量处理的选项,以满足许多高端应用的需求。Andes晶心的客户受益于完整的产品提供,包括AndeSight™ IDE、Andes晶心客制化扩展功能架构™ (ACE)及相关软件,还有建模、调试和追踪工具,以加速他们的SoC开发。

关于Rivos Inc.
Rivos组建了一支世界级的芯片、软件和平台设计师团队,实现了基于RISC-V、使用工作负载定义的硬件,构建行业领先的节能、高性能、安全服务器解决方案的长期愿景。Rivos通过一整套优化芯片的完整解决方案,支持大型语言模型和数据分析的高强度需求;这些芯片结合了RISC-V CPU、数据并行加速器,以及参考多芯片OCP模块服务器和完整的固件到应用开放软件栈。此外,Rivos正在各个领域招聘工程人才。

Andes晶心科技股份有限公司于2005年成立于新竹科学园区,2017年于台湾证交所上市 (TWSE: 6533SIN: US03420C2089ISIN: US03420C1099)。Andes晶心是RISC-V国际协会的创始首席会员,也是第一家推出商用RISC-V向量处理器的主流CPU供货商。为满足当今电子设备的严格要求,Andes晶心提供可配置性高的32/64位高效能CPU核,包含DSP、FPU、Vector、超纯量  (Superscalar)、乱序执行  (Out-of-Order)、多核心及车用系列,可应用于各式SoC与应用场景。Andes晶心提供功能齐全的整合开发环境和全面的软/硬件解决方案,可帮助客户在短时间内创新其SoC设计。截至2023年底,Andes-Embedded™ SoC累计出货量已超过140亿颗。 更多关于Andes晶心的信息,请参考晶心官网 。订阅Andes晶心微信公众号AndesTech及Bilibili获得最新消息!

Continue ReadingRivos选择Andes晶心NX45用于即将推出的高性能RISC-V SoC的控制功能

Andes Technology Collaborates with Lauterbach to Deliver RISC-V Trace Solution

HSINCHU, TAIWAN — Nov 26, 2024 — Lauterbach, the leading provider of development tools for embedded systems, and Andes Technology Corporation (TWSE: 6533SIN: US03420C2089ISIN: US03420C1099), a leading supplier of RISC-V processor IP, today proudly announce their collaboration that enhances the debugging and tracing experience for engineers using Andes’ advanced NCETRACE200 trace IP with Lauterbach’s industry leading development tools TRACE32®.

With the growing demand for RISC-V architectures in various applications, the combination of Lauterbach’s TRACE32® tools and Andes’ NCETRACE200 trace solution empowers developers to have deep, non-intrusive trace visibility into their System-on-Chip (SoC) to assist debug & trace, accelerate time-to-market and achieve higher levels of reliability, performance and efficiency in their embedded products.

AndesCore™ NCETRACE200 subsystem is a non-intrusive tracing solution designed for the Andes RISC-V processor portfolio that spans from small, low-power MCUs to high-performance OoO application processors.  Key features include:

  • RISC-V N-Trace compatible trace encoder, timestamp generator and decoder
  • Multi-core tracing, up to 8 RISC-V harts
  • Configurable size Trace Buffer
  • Mixed-ISA environment supported, including compatibility with the CoreSight™ technology by Arm®.
*ARM® and CoreSight™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Limited in the United States and other countries

“We are excited to support Andes Technology trace solution with our TRACE32® tools,” said Norbert Weiss, Managing Director at Lauterbach. “Our collaboration will provide engineers with the tools they need to maximize the potential of their RISC-V designs, fostering innovation and efficiency in embedded systems.” Andes also expressed enthusiasm about the partnership. “Lauterbach is our long-term partner for many years. Working with Lauterbach allows us to deliver a comprehensive debug and trace experience to our customers, further solidifying our position in the embedded systems market,” said Dr. Charlie Su, president and CTO at Andes Technology. “This collaboration will pave the way for innovative developments in the RISC-V landscape, supporting a new generation of embedded solutions.”


About Lauterbach
Lauterbach is the leading manufacturer of cutting-edge development tools for embedded systems with more than 45 years of experience, serving customers all over the world and partnering with all semiconductor manufacturers. The company has played a key role in the RISC-V Foundation working groups that have defined debug and trace standards for RISC-V-based CPUs.
For more information, please visit Follow Lauterbach on LinkedIn and YouTube.

About Andes Technology
Nineteen years in business and a Founding Premier member of RISC-V International, Andes is a publicly-listed company (TWSE: 6533SIN: US03420C2089ISIN: US03420C1099) and a leading supplier of high-performance/low-power 32/64-bit embedded processor IP solutions, and the driving force in taking RISC-V mainstream. Its V5 RISC-V CPU families range from tiny 32-bit cores to advanced 64-bit Out-of-Order processors with DSP, FPU, Vector, Linux, superscalar, functional safety and/or multi/many-core capabilities. By the end of 2023, the cumulative volume of Andes-Embedded™ SoCs has surpassed 14 billion.
For more information, please visit Follow Andes on TwitterLinkedInYouTube and Facebook.

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