Operating Environment

Operating Environment

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Aplix Corporation

Aplix Corporation is the global leader in deploying Java technology in mobile phones and other consumer electronics devices. The company was founded in 1986 and has been a Sun Java™ licensee since 1996. Aplix has been publicly listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (Mothers) since 2003.

In 2004, Aplix and the Taiwan based company, iaSolution, finalized the integration of the corporations.  The merged company’s JBlend™ Java platform has been widely adopted by both handset manufacturers and leading wireless operators from around the world. As a first-to-market enabler, JBlend™ powers the most advanced Java features, and has been licensed by over 50 companies and been shipped on over 505 million units as of September 2008

Aplix actively supports the enhancement and standardization process of the latest Java requirements. To achieve this, Aplix cooperates with leading operators and industry consortiums/forums (e.g. JCP, Blu-ray Disc Association, etc.) to accelerate the adoption of Java on a variety of consumer electronics devices.

For more information about Aplix/iaSolution, please visit http://www.aplix.co.jp



SylixOS拥有32位和64位版本,支持AMP和SMP等多种运行模式,支持SPARC,MIPS,x86,PowerPC,DSP、C-SKY、ARM,以及RISC-V等多种指令集的处理器。SylixOS拥有丰富的生态,已经支持Qt,CODESYS、Python、Java Script等大型中间件,支持POSIX等多种API集。

SylixOS标准版本适用于绝大多数应用场景,高实时、高可靠、足够灵活且功能强大,同时支持安全容器技术提供更高级别的安全支持。SylixOS Lite版本适用于不带MMU的小型处理器,是物联网和微纳卫星的最佳选择。SylixOS功能安全认证的版本适用于轨道交通、工业自动化、汽车、核电领域。Matrix 653系统则服务于对于分时分区有要求的产品,比如航空器。以上所有的版本,API完全兼容,使用同样的开发环境,支持虚拟机仿真,没有硬件的情况下也可以进行应用程序的开发。


目前,SylixOS 在工业自动化、国防、航空航天、电力、轨道交通等领域被广泛应用。从 2006 年至今,已经有众多项目或产品基于 SylixOS 进行开发,其中大部分产品都要求 7×24 小时不间断运行,当前很多 SylixOS 系统节点甚至不间断运行已超过七万小时( 8年时间)。

需要更多信息,欢迎访问 http://www.acoinfo.com 或者联系 acoinfo@acoinfo.com

eForce Co.,Ltd.

eForce is the leading RTOS and network stack provider in Japan. The three major features are “compact”, “easy-to-use” and “high-reliability”. The kernel size of μC3/Compact is just 2.4KByte and FREE configuration tool is bundled. By using the FREE configuration tool, user can configure “kernel”, “TCP/IP” and “some peripherals” via simple GUI tool without sweat. μNet3, the network stack, is also nice size (17KByte) and has IPv6, PPP and SSL as optional packages. eForce solution saves your time/cost and accelerates time-to-market drastically.

The newly released RTOS “Picco-Cube” is focusing on energy saving. It’s targeting battery-driven or power consumption sensitive applications, like wireless module, wearable device and IoT related products.

There are three kinds of license:

・R&D License

・Project License

・Platform License

For more information on eForce, please visit https://www.eforce.co.jp/products/microc3c or contact info@eforce.co.jp

Express Logic

Headquartered in San Diego, CA, Express Logic offers the most advanced run-time solution for deeply embedded applications, including the popular ThreadX™ RTOS, the high-performance NetX™ TCP/IP stack, the FileX™ embedded MS-DOS compatible file system, and the USBX™ Host/Device USB protocol stack. All products from Express Logic include full source-code and have no run-time royalties. 

For more information about Express Logic solutions, please visit the Web site at http://www.expresslogic.com, call 1-888-THREADX, or email inquires to sales@expresslogic.com.

FPT Software

FPT Software is a part of FPT Corporation, a globally leading technology and IT services & solutions provider headquartered in Vietnam, with nearly US$1.6 billion in revenue and 54,000 employees in 28 countries. As a pioneer in digital transformation, FPT delivers world-class services in Smart factories, Digital platforms, RPA, AI, IoT, Enterprise Mobility, Digital Product Development, Cloud, AR/VR, Business Applications, Application Services, Managed Services, and so on. The company has served 1,000+ customers worldwide, 85 of which are Fortune Global 500 companies in the industries of Aerospace & Aviation, Manufacturing & Automotive, Banking, Finance & Insurance, Logistics & Transportation, Healthcare & Life Sciences, Retail, Utilities & Energy, and more.


FreeRTOS™ includes official ports to 29 architectures and receives more than 77,500 downloads a year. It is market leading, robust, supported, portable, open source, free to download, and free to deploy. FreeRTOS can be used in commercial applications without any requirement to expose your proprietary source code. With a growing ecosystem, FreeRTOS is commonly integrated with both open source and commercial TCP/IP, file system, and USB components. 

FreeRTOS™ came top in the 2011 EETimes embedded market study in two categories: The kernel currently being used, and the kernel being considered for the next project. 

For more information about FreeRTOS™, please visit http://www.freertos.org 

Green Hills Software

Founded in 1982, Green Hills Software, the worldwide leader in embedded safety and security, has helped customers solve the most difficult design challenges by providing safe and secure foundational software for automotive, defence, industrial, IoT, medical, railway and other industries. Green Hills products and services support 32 and 64-bit RISC-V processors and draw upon a functional safety leadership position, having achieved certificates at the highest levels of functional safety for automotive (ISO 26262), industrial (IEC 61508), railway (EN 50128), medical and avionics (INTEGRITY-178).

• INTEGRITY RTOS with optional INTEGRITY Multivisor virtualization of Linux
• MULTI Integrated Development Environment
• Optimizing C/C++ compilers
• Green Hills JTAG/Trace Probe

INTEGRITY Security Services, a Green Hills Software company, provides Cryptographic Toolkits, Over-The-Air Updates and Device Lifecycle Management to enable the manufacture of secure, trusted and tamperproof products.

For more information see https://www.ghs.com/


普华基础软件股份有限公司,成立于2008年10月20日,是中国电子科技集团有限公司整合集团优势资源共同投资设立的发展基础软件的重要平台, 注册资金3.22亿元人民币。专注于国产基础软件产品研发和产业化工作。2009年5月普华公司组建职业化管理团队,开始正式运营。依据中国电子科技集团公司的战略部署,普华公司实施了一系列投资和并购行动。
普华基础软件股份有限公司,子公司包括北京人大金仓信息技术股份有限公司、中标软件有限公司、上海颐东网络信息有限公司、日本Turbo Systems株式会社和Puhua Europe AB。

更多的资讯,请访问 https://www.i-soft.com.cn


经纬恒润成立于2003年,专注于为汽车、无人运输等领域的客户提供电子产品、研发服务和高级别智能驾驶整体解决方案。总部位于北京,并在天津、南通、马来西亚有研发中心和现代化工厂,形成了完善的研发、生产、营销、服务体系。本着「价值创新、服务客户」的理念,公司坚持 「专业聚焦」、「技术领先」和「平台化发展」的战略,致力于成为国际一流综合型的电子系统科技服务商、智能网联汽车全栈式解决方案供应商,以及高级别智能驾驶MaaS解决方案领导者。经纬恒润是目前少数能够实现覆盖智能驾驶电子产品、研发服务及解决方案之全栈式解决方案的供应商。未来,经纬恒润将紧跟汽车行业发展大势,坚持自主创新,努力为国内外客户提供优质的产品和服务,为汽车行业的发展贡献自己的一份力量。

更多关于经纬恒润的资讯,请访问 https://www.hirain.com/


科飛數位於2022年自工研院spin-off,累積十載左右的車用軟體作業系統及車載軟體開發經驗,目前提供的解決方案包含車用軟韌體及軟韌硬整合的控制器。科飛數位的軟體方案可以協助客戶快速開發自家控制器,以一體化的開發平台KDP (KopherBit Development Platform),協助客戶進行合乎國際規範AUTOSAR的車用軟體開發;平台整合了科飛數位自家研發成果,包含符合AUTOSAR規範的BSW軟體包—KopherSAR,以及能夠協助從參數配置到代碼生成的KopherSAR智慧配置工具、與燒錄診斷相關的KITE工具鏈,還有HiL虛擬驗證平台,讓客戶可一站式完成ECU車載作業系統的開發、燒錄、調校及驗證。利用KDP開發車載軟體不僅省時省力,也同時符合國際規範的標準。

Mentor Graphics

The Mentor Graphics Embedded Systems Division is located in Mobile, Alabama with sales offices and distributors worldwide. As a leading provider of royalty-free, embedded operating system software, Mentor Graphics helps developers accelerate product time-to-market in a wide range of embedded device applications.

Its comprehensive Nucleus operating system includes kernels, networking, USB, graphics and file system software. The Eclipse-based EDGE Tools include an IDE, compiler, debugger, system profiler and JTAG connection. 

For more information about Mentor Graphics, please visit http://www.mentor.com/embedded 


Micrium’s vision is to provide the highest-quality embedded software components in industry, in the form of engineer-friendly source code with unsurpassed documentation and customer support. Micrium’s products consistently deliver on that vision to shorten time-to-market throughout all product development cycles.

Micrium’s world-renowned real-time operating system, the Micrium μC/OS-II was the first product to embrace this vision. The company’s flagship product, it features the highest-quality source code available for today’s embedded market. The industry’s acceptance and praise for μC/OS-II proves that Micrium’s vision and strategy have successfully hit their target within embedded industry.

Today, Micrium delivers to the embedded marketplace a full portfolio of embedded software components that complement μC/OS-II. A TCP/IP stack, USB stack, CAN stack, File System (FS), Graphical User Interface (GUI), as well as many other high quality embedded components are now available.

For more information about Micrium, please visit http://www.micrium.com

Micro Digital Inc

Micro Digital Inc, founded in 1975, was one of the first embedded-systems software companies in the market. Over the years, Micro Digital has been dedicated to providing high-quality services and developing excellent products for the embedded OEM marketplace.  SMX® RTOS is a modular RTOS for embedded systems. It has been toughened by over 15 years of use in hundreds of embedded applications. SMX is a small, fast, no royalty RTOS.

​Other available modules include USB, TCP/IP and File System products. GoFast® is a family of fast, IEEE 754 floating point libraries designed for embedded applications. They are fast because they are written in assembly language and specifically optimized for each processor. Micro Digital’s primary focus is providing quality solutions to the embedded systems industry.

MDI offers: 
・No Royalties — Eliminates headaches and reduces unit cost. 
・Source Code — Puts you in control. 
・Free Trial — Allows you to try before you buy. 

For more information about Micro Digital Inc. please visit http://www.smxrtos.com


上海睿赛德电子科技有限公司于2011年在上海成立,是RT-Thread的实际拥有者和发展方向控制人,负责RT-Thread操作系统的核心技术开发,社区运营,生态维护等工作。公司拥有一系列自主知识产权技术,包括高可靠RTOS 、资源受限环境下的日志型高可靠文件系统、实时控制技术、低功耗技术、网络协议栈、嵌入式Web技术、图形库、RT-Thread|Linux双系统混合执行技术等,开发团队均来自于国际顶尖公司,具备深厚丰富的物联网开发经验。

RT-Thread拥有良好的软件生态,支持市面上所有主流的编译工具如GCC、Keil、IAR等,工具链完善、友好,支持各类标准接口,如POSIX、CMSIS、C++应用环境、Javascript执行环境等,方便开发者移植各类应用程序。商用支持所有主流MCU架构,如Andes,ARM Cortex-M/R/A, MIPS, X86, Xtensa, C-Sky, RISC-V,几乎支持市场上所有主流的MCU和Wi-Fi芯片。

SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH

SEGGER Microcontroller is a full-range supplier of software, hardware and development tools for embedded systems. The company offers support throughout the whole development process with affordable, high quality, flexible and easy-to-use tools and components. SEGGER offers solutions for secure communication as well as data and product security, meeting the needs of the rapidly evolving IoT. SEGGER was founded in 1992, is privately held, and is growing steadily. Headquartered in Germany, with US offices in the Boston area and Silicon Valley, as well as distributors in all continents, SEGGER offers its full product range worldwide.  

For more information about SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH, please visit https://www.segger.com


瓶钵信息科技是专业的智能设备安全产品与服务提供商,致力于为智能设备厂商和应用厂商提供基于芯片技术的系统级安全产品和解决方案,保护系统和应用的安全。 公司由上海交大的一批博士和硕士于2015年初成立,专注于系统级的安全增强与安全产品的研发。 目前我们已与国内外知名芯片厂商、OEM和ODM厂商、互联网企业、金融机构和生物特征识别厂商等开展了深入的产业合作,产品广泛应用在智能手机、物联网设备中。

瓶钵信息科技的工作体现在两方面:第一,与全球智能设备厂商深度合作,打造基于芯片技术的系统级安全智能设备解决方案;其中,自主研发的安全操作系统与可信执行环境 已经在两千多款设备型号、一百多家设备厂商中得到使用,并在移动支付、生物特征识别、设备安全等领域得到广泛应用。 第二,基于与设备厂商构建的安全智能平台,为海量应用厂商提供硬件安全(如可信执行环境TEE)的接入能力,保护业务安全;目前可信应用平台已经接入过众多大量知名APP, 提供金融级安全服务。从底层系统平台到上层应用业务,瓶钵信息科技守护着我们的智能生活。

需要更多信息,欢迎访问 https://www.trustkernel.com/en/


Vector is the leading manufacturer of software tools and embedded components for the development of electronic systems and their networking with many different systems from CAN to Automotive Ethernet.

Vector has been a partner of automotive manufacturers and suppliers and related industries since 1988. Vector tools and services provide engineers with the decisive advantage to make a challenging and highly complex subject area as simple and manageable as possible. Vector employees work on electronic innovations for the automotive industry every day. Worldwide customers in the automotive, commercial vehicles, aerospace, transportation, and control technology industries rely on the solutions and products of the independent Vector Group for the development of technologies for future mobility.

Vector worldwide currently employs more than 3,000 people with sales of EUR 948 million in 2021. Vector is headquartered in Germany (Stuttgart) and has subsidiaries in Brazil, China, France, Great Britain, India, Italy, Japan, Austria, Romania, Sweden, South Korea, Spain and the USA.

Wind River Systems, Inc.

Wind River is a global leader of software for the intelligent edge. Its technology has been powering the safest, most secure devices since 1981 and is in billions of products. Wind River is accelerating the digital transformation of mission-critical intelligent systems that demand the highest levels of security, safety, and reliability.

For more information, please visit https://www.windriver.com/

WITTENSTEIN high integrity systems

WITTENSTEIN high integrity systems (WHIS) are experts in embedded RTOS technology with a specialisation in safety certified software. WHIS supplies advanced RTOS and Middleware components across a broad range of market sectors and applications, from basic embedded designs, up to complex safety systems demanding the highest levels of certification. 

・SAFERTOS® – Pre-certified to ISO 26262 & IEC 61508. Compliant to IEC 62304, DO 178C; 

・SAFERTOS® CORE – For those who need to consider safety, but not full certification; 

・OPENRTOS® – Commercial licensing for FreeRTOS. 

Full source code, royalty free licensing, unlimited developers. 

For more details on products and services please see www.HighIntegritySystems.com
